View Full Version : A LOT of heart palpitations anxiety???

12-30-2017, 05:38 PM
I have been experiencing alot of heart palpitations lately. I especially feel them when I lay down and I will get patches of them that seem like they come every 5 seconds or so. I can occasionally feel them while walking around during the day also. They are really starting to scare me. I guess the thing that freaks me out the most is that I will have them bad (like today /tonight) when I do not feel anxious or stressed whatsoever. I am also experiencing a fog like state. Kind of like when you have the flu and you feel like you are in a dream or something. Does anyone else experience this? And is it normal to have such strong physical anxiety symptoms when you feel no stressors AT ALL? Any advice or insight would be greatly appreciated.

12-30-2017, 07:16 PM
If you go to the doctor and your heart is fine, you can rule that out, which means it is probably anxiety. One time I ended up in the emergency room, just knowing I didn't feel right, and the doctor came back and said it was my anxiety. I said, "What?! I don't even feel anxious." But it turned out he was right.