View Full Version : What do I have? What Should I do?

11-23-2008, 12:08 PM
Here is my story:

Ever since I was younger I have had some form of nervousness. Whether it be before sporting events, tests etc. In more recent years I have begun getting anxious in social situations, job interviews, etc. In the earlier years I would just get a sore stomach and wouldn't feel good. However, in the last few years I would become sick and vomit. Basically the mental situation I go through is as follows:
-something makes me get the butterflys (a date, job intereview, anything really), then when I feel the butterflys and I start thinking about them. The more I think about them the sicker I feel. This cycle continues until I eventually vomit and the feeling does not go away until I get myself out of the situation.

This is starting to become very difficult to live with. I am having trouble participating in normal day to day activities and really am not sure what to do.

Any information, links, etc. would be appreciated. Thank you

All the best.

11-24-2008, 08:54 PM
I totally understand where your coming from. I do the same thing when i get nervous, get butterflies and get all anxious and then get nauseous and throw up. I think the most helpful thing for you would be to work on breathing exercises, they sound stupid and unhelpful but they do really work. Also, my therapist recommended oil burners that burn lavender and i also have "sleep" lotion, body wash and aromatherapy oil that i rub on my wrists that help me relax.

11-25-2008, 07:39 AM
hi there! britttpixi gave some very good advice :)

have you tried much for managing the anxiety? like have you spoken to your doctor or a therapist or looked into alternative methods of treating it? if it's affecting your normal everyday life then you need to start working on it. i've written a post with all the things that helped me get through anxiety here if you would like to take a look :) http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4087

11-25-2008, 09:08 AM
Hi guys, thanks for the advice. I have tried breathing exercises a little bit, and I find they do calm me down if I am anxious before an event (say before a job interview) but I find that they don't seem to work during the moment (say on a date) because it is difficult to really concentrate on them when I am in the middle of a conversation with someone. I haven't tried anything else though.