View Full Version : feel bloated all the time

12-19-2017, 03:52 PM
hi all
for the last few days i have been feeling bloated everyday like there is a bubble in my stomach that needs to pop but my belly isnt hard
anyone get this?

12-28-2017, 05:11 PM
hi all
for the last few days i have been feeling bloated everyday like there is a bubble in my stomach that needs to pop but my belly isnt hard
anyone get this?


I experience the exact same problem. Not everyday, but it comes and goes. I suspect for me it's anxiety induced IBS symptoms.

12-29-2017, 02:46 PM
I know that certain psychiatric medications can give some who take these meds stomach issues.

01-03-2018, 03:32 PM
Hi my wife and i both suffer from ibs we both bloat i was given a tablet to help but no longer use them

01-03-2018, 08:46 PM
I said it before change the diet and bloating will be gone

01-03-2018, 08:51 PM
hi all
for the last few days i have been feeling bloated everyday like there is a bubble in my stomach that needs to pop but my belly isnt hard
anyone get this?

This is what put me in the hospital for a week, and why I've now joined this site. Massive pressure right in the stomach like a huge bubble which interfered with my breathing, called 911. They thought it was a heart attack - so did I. Then did every test known to man, from x-rays to gallbladder to whatever else. And now I'm diagnosed with panic disorder!

How does panic disorder bloat the stomach? Crazy.

01-03-2018, 08:52 PM
I said it before change the diet and bloating will be gone

Pray tell - what diet? And does panic attack really cause this?

01-04-2018, 04:56 AM
Pray tell - what diet? And does panic attack really cause this?
Plant Based Diet whole foods. Healthier Choices - Life Style Changes.

Prolong Anxiety can indeed contribute to ibs, however people that rely on meds ussually do not live a healthy lifestyle.

Early to bed, early to rise, eat mostly pants and cut out junk and processed foods. It's not a diet per say but a change to healthier eating by way of cutting out all the junk and fake foods.

01-04-2018, 07:56 AM
Very common and typically a benign occurence.

01-04-2018, 01:00 PM
Very common and typically a benign occurence.
Hello Kirk, this is more so in the west due to our lifestyles and diet. The condition itself is as disruptive as western culture. Just another notch in the belt towards consumption and destruction. :)

01-04-2018, 01:07 PM
I should define it more 'change the diet" it was as Ponder said more about changing life style.
I stopped being bloated when I stopped eating grains. Maybe I do have some kind of intolerance on wheat........
Upping up the fiber intake may help, so once a week Mint tea will help, Camomile too

Again - hits the nail on the head. Not sure I would call it grain or wheat despite what it might say on the packaging. It's all so artificial these days its not far off being synthetic. lol - Is the same for me D. As soon as I go plant based and restrict all the other fake food [sadly the plants are plastic too!] ... my disruptive IBS settles and I feel completely healed ... minus the dead cells which requires hard core water fasting - but that's another story I doubt I will be going back down. Would love to though.

IBS is causally considered nothing but a side effect these days. I would urge you to do something about it. Like all the other side effects they are sign posts that quickly build up and lead to much more serous things if left unchecked. Alas the diet and lifestyle that leads to such things is very good at pacifying and making people dull to the inevitable illnesses they bring.

01-05-2018, 09:46 AM
Pollyfama and Scared Dan, do what I have done so that I can continue to come to this forum: Put Ponder on your "Ignore List" and you will never see his posts. I haven't read anything he has written in three years. One of you said Dahila is his puppet, so I agree and put her on my Ignore Post too. I never see anything they write. But recently am seeing the damage both of them are doing to: martin05 and both of you because I can see your posts. I can't begin to tell you how many people they have chased off this forum because of their intolerance to anyone who disagrees with them, especially when it comes to talking about a person of faith. They will viciously attack you if you talk about your faith in any way.

01-05-2018, 09:49 AM
Pollyfama and Scared Dan...to both of you...very well stated! Such intelligence is so refreshing.

01-06-2018, 04:18 AM
They're just in the wrong forum D. These one's missed the sign post back @ Yahoo Chat. I think their own kind did not want them. Not to worry. Just more misguided kids still learning the ropes. Truth is always hard to absorb. The only thing they got right was finding the iggy button ... although there still dribbling. Passes over a bib ... maybe that will actually help?

In the mean time to avoid further bloating, steer clear of those religious types! Sheep and the pseudoscience science they typically bring is more the issue that's holding this place back as opposed to my wonderfully crafted and engaging threads. http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/laughing/laughing-hysterically-smiley-emoticon.gif

01-06-2018, 03:52 PM
Righto ... Now for POLLY WOLLY : )

Rested up a little now ... lets see:

PollyWolly in Red - Me in Black
Don't you have a soap box somewhere to preach on?

I really don't preach as intended by those who rely on faith. It's more about telling myself, however since this is a public forum I'll consider this a good enough soap box as any. You should try using some soap from time to time. Just be sure to use a natural one.

It's boring seeing people like you turn forum threads into anti society rants.

I've put a lot of mindful thought into my perception of society. If you were not so bored and took more time to absorb what you read you would find that there are in fact others who feel very much as I do.

You couldn't be more off the mark with your comment. Asian countries like mine suffer terribly with IBS and stomach related problems too. It isn't as simple as people eating too many pop tarts. There are genetic issues and stress issues at play, though diet can help a little.

Now one owns a country ... but yea if you mean where you live? All the countries in the world that have starving populations are indeed full of IBS. Irritable bowl syndrome is mostly affected with both Diet and Stress. Stress of being neglected, not fed, living in conditions of tyranny, oppression - all the kinds of traits that come from belief systems imposed by the west. Your response is way open to all my points to such a repressive system and it's 'effects!' I would reason your dislike towards my responses is more to do with the sense they make rather than not. Hereditary is a good point ... clinical long term anxiety and depression seed themselves in our society through DNA memory. I could go on but I know how you hate to speak against 'society.' Like your country ... your society ... Us and Them mentality. That too is part of the sickness ... and identity crisis.

You don't. Chances are you're just another poorly adjusted person with health and social problems just like the rest of us. If you had the answers you'd be sought out to write in prestigious medical, sociological or philosophical journals. The fact you're not, and are just ranting to nobody in particular on a mental illness forum should tell you something.

Absolutely I am indeed all those things. It's why I am on a disability pension and about to receive a payout in compensation for the abuse I suffered from this wonderful society when I was a child. I smile to think just how much this forum has played a part in that over the years. LOL @ that one D . Oh but how little you really know about me and this forum. You really should frequent more than you do. Alas ... it really is more for poorly adjusted people with health and social problems. It would appear that your so much more than that?

Answers? What are those? I just preach bs (rolls eyes) ... I don't have any answers. I just tell myself like it is and if others hear; how they response says more about them than it does of me. Journal writing is in fact what I do. I am the mast of writing journals - I've been doing it in here for years! I write for myself as is what real mental illness journaling is about. I'm not intending for my words to be seen as prestigious. My stuff is real! All that other pretentious bs starts off with a long list of certifications in it's introductory with it's authors never really having suffered enough to know the difference between a mental breakdown and a broken nail. AKA as the Oprah Whinefy Crowed. Even Eckhart Tolle can't escape that. Alas in cases like that latter its more about the reader which I think is very much the case with yourself. Been there done that as well. I Still struggle with it.

So you probably have an intolerance to wheat but are advising others to do your diet when they probably don't have such an intolerance. (although does not pertain to me ... due to myself saying pretty much the same as D - my response on that is - )

Classic case of putting words in peoples mouth. I did not say 'do my diet' Your boredom is showing again. In fact I said diet was not the right word ... I went on about lifestyle which is why I put in my speech about our wonderfully designed society that does so much for us in the way or diet and stress thus the topic of IBS : )

Human eat a LOT of garbage they are naturally intolerant of. Wheat is only one of many. My wife and I later laugh when doctors say we must have you tested to see if your lactose intolerant. So many people miss the point on this. I was not talking about my intolerance, but more the human species intolerance to most of the bs foods we are expected to eat. Given the masses not only eat these foods, but are also addicted to them as intended by manufactures - OH BUT WAIT ... talking such truths is to be seen as radicaly / challenging the many and will have you branded as a mental case. Luckily for me my label feeds my in others ways because it gives me the means to make better choices since I am now in the know.

We could go on and on.

Not exactly what I would call ranting ,,, but can see how it sounds loud to yourself given your distaste towards myself ... my words and so on.

I think that's enough. It's important we keep the others grounded which is why I took the time to respond in kind. I think was kind enough.

SO ... was there anything more?

Perhaps Anne? Have you any questions for me ... statements perhaps? Something you did not understand in all that or something you would like to counter?

How's your bowls?

01-06-2018, 04:19 PM
Excellent, funny and sad too, eh
Refreshing Intelligence, Rofl