View Full Version : Research on Panic Disorder

12-19-2017, 12:51 PM
Hi Everybody

I am a student in a Clinical Psychological master degree in Paris 8 in France, I am working in a project right now: The relation between emotional intelligence, health anxiety and panic disorder.
The panic disorder is mainly characterized by sudden panic attacks, tachycardia, sweeting, feeling like dying, suffocation...with no medical reason

If you think the subject is familiar to you, I would request if you can participate in the study, in this case I will send you the questionnaire.
The questionnaire is anonymous, and it takes max 30min, the findings will be shared as part of my thesis with the university. I will brief you at the end with the results.

My email is: psychologuetcc yahoo com. Please drop me an email so I can send you the forms.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.