View Full Version : mucus and feeling sick

12-17-2017, 09:35 AM
hello everyone

i was wondering if anyone has felt sick due to mucus stuck in the throat?
i have had a cold bug for the last couple weeks and have got mucus stuck in my throat and a bit of stomach ache, but obviously with anxiety you think about it and it gets worse and worse.
doc said it could be reflux so i have got omzeprozle and anti sickness tablets

any advice is well received


12-17-2017, 11:53 AM
Anxiety combined with food types such as dairy is often attributed to said conditions. I would also think about easing up on gluten and processed foods. In fact doing some intermittent fasting with a little plant based eating and drinking only water will be more beneficial than those pills you mention. Of course that's going to take a lot of will peer depending on how much of an addict one be? I know I sure as hell struggle with mucus causing foods.

Either way, wishing you all the best and an anxiety free Xmas ;)


12-17-2017, 10:46 PM
Welcome aboard, friend.
I’m so sorry to hear that. I know how difficult and frustrating it must be for you. While I don’t have an advice about your pills, I just said a prayer for you, and I hope that God will touch you with His healing hands and strengthen you. Please don’t get stressed out. Get well soon. Hugs!

12-18-2017, 12:52 PM
LMFAO - No wonder the forum has not been so active of late. Go Figure D.

12-18-2017, 04:56 PM
LMFAO - No wonder the forum has not been so active of late. Go Figure D.

heheeeeeeeeeeeeeee may I have one warm plate of prayer please?
Ponder everyone is focusing on praying instead of other people ;) hiiiiiiiiiiiii :)

01-03-2018, 03:28 PM
Hi i get omeprazole for reflux and it helps with me and stopped me vomiting at night i also have a lot of flem but i also have astma i stoped smoking 5 year's ago but getting tested for a copd a problem caused by smoking i was a very heavy cannabis user for 30 years or so

01-03-2018, 08:37 PM
twitchard welcome to the club, I quit smoking 8 years ago but Asthma does not want to quit me. you probably have like I do COPD caused mostly by smoking.
I had awful problem with reflux and stomach till I had not stopped eating wheat problems. No reflux , not heartburn, and I was suffering with it for years. Quit on eating bread, pastry, sugar, milk (cause the inflamation) up your veggies intake, nuts not to many.
Camomile tea does wonders for people like us.
If you are in more natural way of helping you with cold and flegm drink three times a day tea: linden, raspberry and elder flowers. It is really helpful
I was on tecta, zantac, omeprazole and many others, stopping eating bread helped. Of course not pasta, buns, rice, oatmeal. Try it for few days and you could be surprised