View Full Version : Feeling short of breath?

11-22-2008, 07:42 PM
I had my first panic attack about two years ago. Since then I've had little cases of anxiety but not really any panic attacks so I could manage it. This morning around 4AM my husband and I were getting ready to go to sleep and I felt like I couldn't breathe and then started having a panic attack. We went to the hospital and of course I was fine. I still feel a little bit like I can't breathe though. Does anyone experience this? I was feeling it for a few days before this all happened.

11-23-2008, 12:17 PM
I sometimes feel out of breath also. Often when I'm really stressed or anxious. I have to remind myself to breath. Sometimes it's good for me to go to a quiet place and calm down.

I hope this helps you a little!

11-23-2008, 11:18 PM
thanks. i've been focusing on my breathing and it helps. i just almost feel like i can't breathe all day. i think i'm just thinking about it too much and it freaks me out even more. thank you though.

11-24-2008, 12:24 PM
The reason you get the feeling like you cant breath is because when you start to have a panic attack well....you panic!

When you panic your seritonin levels go all out of wack wich causes your c02 levels to decrease...Although you might be perfectly fine and healthy, when your pulse races...its harder to breath. And then on top of that once you notice that you feel like its harder to breath you focus on it more and start thinking "oh no whats wrong with me!" This makes it worse.

The thing i have learned with anxiety is that it is all in your head. Remind yourself that you control what you body does. And next time you have an attack and feel like you can breath try this meditation exersice to help you.

Breathing exersice:

1. Inhale, and as you inhale count how many secounds you inhale for.

2. Place your toungue on the roof of your mouth.

3. Exhale, when you do this exhale for about 2 more secounds then you inhaled for.

Do this over and over, Youll notice that the duration of exhaling and inhaling will get longer.

You should do this until you eventually yawn.

Its a very good relaxation exersice.

Let me know it works for you!!

11-24-2008, 07:41 PM
Thanks! I will try these out next time I feel bad.