View Full Version : Left Eye Pain - Eye need advice :P

12-09-2017, 01:33 PM
I get it now and then the past few years. Always in the left eye. Comes and goes in the past. Never lasted longer than a few days and pretty mild.

Recently it came and went more frequently ver the past few months. Then again I focused on it - so of course it stuck around more often.

Had an eye exam - all good. Never had any issue with vision in either eye throughout this.

I wondered if it could be neck or sinus related. Apparently both can cause pain behind the eye. I get neck tension a lot with my anxiety. It's almost always on the left side. GP's have said in the past that the sternocleidomastoid muscle can cause issues with the neck, jaw, ear and eye. Guess where I have pains? Ear, neck, eye only on the left side. The side that, when I touch around the muscles are sore on the left side.

2 days ago I had a bout of severe neck tension. It spilled into a very bad headache. I went to sleep and woke up with the eye pain but it was a lot more intense. Instead of the dull constant ache it's switched up to a quick come and go stabbing pain. Still no vision issues or anything like that

I've looked up on forums on here and elsewhere and eye ache has happened to a lot of people. Optician and GP relate it to stress/anxiety/muscular tension.

I've been trying to remind myself to just "let it be" to just allow a pain to come and go and realise that focusing on it only makes things worse. It makes the pains last longer or get more intense.

I think it's because it's a relatively new symptom for me. i'm approaching 10 years with anxiety. Chest pains I've experienced hundreds of times. I can easily say "this is just anxiety and tension" but something like the eye or ear. That's a rarity for me. It's happened before and the tests come back fine...but it's rather new to me.

Anyone found any relief?


12-09-2017, 03:42 PM
My physician told me eye pain can be caused by tension, eye strain, and sinus issues. He said to try OTC pain relievers if the pain got bad.