View Full Version : Wow.. So Many People With Anxiety/Depression!!

12-06-2017, 05:57 PM
Hey guys,

This belongs in the “Resources” section but seeing as the forum is practically dead I’m going to put it in here.

I found this site early this morning and read some articles, but what really helped me was seeing the sheer *numbers* of people with anxiety, depression and other mental illnesses. I was reading the comments at the end of one article on depression and had to stop myself because they just kept coming!

So despite this forum being very quiet, rest assured you are definitely not alone. Check it out (this is just the Anxiety section): https://themighty.com/anxiety/

Gypsy x

12-06-2017, 06:24 PM
I'd say not just america, but any place that has american ties/influence. Essentially the west. Despite our society and it's many cultural hang ups that feed the problem, not to mention the self help industry ... being just that; there seems to be some very helpful resources at that link you posted. I found it to be a positive spin overall. Not often that happens with me when seeing so many adds. Nice find gypsy.

Plus Is good to not feel lonely. :)

12-06-2017, 07:08 PM
There are some good articles (and it isn’t only mental health). It seems relatively new so yeah, I felt like it was a good find too.

I often feel as if I’m the biggest wreck of a human when my anxiety/depression gets bad, and it stems from my mother’s absolute obsession with being “high-functioning” and successful. Objectively my life isn’t that bad at all but it’s this really pervasive feeling which I find eases up a lot when I know others have the same problems. That’s how I ended up here - I lurked for about a year just reading posts and reassuring myself I’m not a total disaster in the greater scheme of things.


12-06-2017, 07:21 PM
Most probably all around the world. America is just vocal about it and wants to "fix". In other countries, especially in Asia, it's not that well-accepted.

12-07-2017, 09:59 PM
And here in the United States, we are hearing about more and more people on television coming out to tell their story of anxiety and depression. The latest is Ginger Zee who is on Good Morning America. She is the meterologist. Her new book is, "I cover natural disasters. I am a natural disaster." She tells her story of anxiety and severe depression and wants to help other people.

12-07-2017, 11:07 PM
Oh, I’ll look her up, Anne. Haha@“I am a natural disaster”. I can’t imagine having to go on TV with anxiety/depression :eek:

Edit: She’s got 2.1M followers on Twitter!

12-08-2017, 05:24 PM
Gypsy ... Respectfully may I suggest not letting the numbers be the defining factor. There are a LOT of sheep in this world as is the way it's meant to be. Numbers can be misleading. Is a big industry that often gas lights the way with millions keen to take the lead.

Just saying is all. :)

12-09-2017, 08:55 PM
Another big United States star who has just come out with her book, River of Time, detailing her battle with depression is Naomi Judd. If you google her, or go to You Tube, you will see what an incredible talent she is. And, she has a daughter who is a HUGE country music star, Wynonna Judd, and another daughter who is an actress, Ashley Judd. Do yourself a favor and google her story. Also, listen to one song by Wynonna Judd or her and Naomi together. Oh my gosh, such talent. I am glad she is opening up about her "severe depression".

12-09-2017, 09:18 PM
Also look into a few books outside of america for a different perspective. You might appreciated the lack of extroverted principles which have a habit of leaving people feeling sucked dry once the woohoo subsides. Outside America there is less preaching with more universal content that's neither here nor there. Essentially way less agenda with connections that last longer once the woohoo subsise. Woops ... Im double woohooing. Must be the stage and mic! :)

12-09-2017, 09:20 PM
Thanks, Anne. I read an article about her and found these statistics: https://www.nami.org/NAMI/media/NAMI-Media/Infographics/GeneralMHFacts.pdf

12-10-2017, 07:47 PM
Oh my gosh, those statistics are so much higher than I ever imagined! 18% are living with anxiety disorders!! That's a whole lot of people! We are soooo not alone.

12-12-2017, 01:18 AM
Yeah it’s pretty much 1 in 5 people and that’s just those we know about.. :rolleyes:

12-14-2017, 03:41 PM
Yeah it’s pretty much 1 in 5 people and that’s just those we know about.. :rolleyes:

Sometimes I think about that when I'm in a crowd. "1 in 5 of these people has anxiety. 1 in 10 is on an anti-depressant."

12-14-2017, 07:49 PM
I try to keep that in mind too, Martin. When I’m driving I look at cars and think “that person might have anxiety”. I have to go to the shops now and I’m so anxious, so I’ll be using that technique!