View Full Version : [Weed] Do i got anxiety attack or something else?

11-29-2017, 04:32 AM
Hey guys, new to this forum.

First of all i'm 20 years old i smoke weed and i get panic attacks sometimes (mostly when high).

Last night i smoked after a long time of not smoking weed and i got into this huge and scary panic attack, my heart went up to 150/and something in blood pressure but i managed to calm myself down and i drank tons and tons of water.

This morning as soon as i got up i smoked it a little more.

My PROBLEM: I feel like my lower part of tummy, like maybe last pair of abs don't move when i breathe and i also feel like there is somethng in my stomach and it dont want to get out, like lots of air or something and the problem is i can't make myself burp or something which is making my anxiety worse.

Can you guys advise me what to do and is it only panic attack?

11-29-2017, 04:48 AM
It sounds a lot like anxiety/a panic attack, yes. Many people suffer panics attacks after smoking Mary J.

If you can, it's worth going to the doctor for a blood test. Sometimes minor health conditions such as vitamin deficiencies can cause the body to go off into panic mode.

For now, it's worth doing 20 minutes of relaxation daily. Meditation, guided visualisation, whatever. Also, try to get 30-60 minutes of moderate exercise per day. If breathing is problematic, just go for a long-ish walk.

Finally, it'll be helpful to read up on the mechanism of anxiety. Why it's happening, etc. This takes the mystery away from all of the symptoms.

It may take some time for your body and mind to recover from this anxious state.

11-29-2017, 04:51 AM
Thanks for your help

What about the last part of my problem where i said that it feels like theres lots of air in my stomach or something and the problem is i can't make myself burp or something which is making my anxiety worse.

11-29-2017, 05:30 AM
Thanks for your help

What about the last part of my problem where i said that it feels like theres lots of air in my stomach or something and the problem is i can't make myself burp or something which is making my anxiety worse.

Is it an on-going problem, or does it come and go?

11-29-2017, 05:33 AM
Not sure, i think it's ongoing but when i do something else i don't notice it. But when i try to move my stomach with my abs it feels full or something like that

11-29-2017, 05:41 AM
It sounds stress-related. Anxiety can do mad things to your breath and stomach.

Unfortunately, there aren't really any cures or remedies for individual anxiety symptoms. The goal is usually to reduce the level of over-stimulation and the problem rectifies itself over time.

Panic attacks can really mess up your psychology and physiology for a while. Try to take your mind off of everything. Spend a few days relaxing and taking your mind off things. Reassure yourself when you need to that you're going to be fine. Hopefully in a couple of days you'll be feeling more like your old self.

11-29-2017, 05:41 AM
Thanks a lot