View Full Version : Lonely, even when I'm not alone

11-28-2017, 01:53 PM

salvator here
11-29-2017, 08:45 AM
tbh, sometimes I feel lonely in the same situation as other times I was/am not lonely. When I get lonely I also immediately assume (because we are taught this) its because we need people in our lives to drain our energy and resources. I am a COMPLETE and total loner and keep to myself nearly all the time and stay pretty isolated and sometimes I don't feel lonely at all believe it or not. I can't say for sure, but I think its depression that causes these feelings of loneliness. Could be your anxiety, too. I'm not promoting living like a hermit as I do, its just how it is and should be for me in my personal situation. For whats it worth though, I usually felt more lonely around people because it reminds me of just how poor my social skills are and how out of the loop I always become. I'm a square peg in a round hole. Maybe it could change someday but Its the least of my worries. I would not say its a flaw either. Try to be kind and forgiving to yourself.

For example, I'm sitting here typing with the tv playing quietly in the background and I'm all by myself and it's nice and quiet. I don't feel lonely I wouldn't want it any other way.

Take care :)

12-01-2017, 09:56 AM
I feel the way you do. I work on a team of four guys, but for the most part we have our own little projects and interface intermittently. I am the husband in a family of four but I always feel anxious, my mind just keeps coming back to it after the littlest lapse in distraction. Sometimes I'm so consumed by it I can't focus on conversation with people so I just nod my head like I'm listening. It sometimes gets me into trouble with my wife and will do the same with my kids once they get a little older. I've been trying gratitude this week, but for some reason Friday is always the most anxious day for me. I think it has to do with the free time I have on the horizon.
Laugh as much as you can, get around funny people and listen to comedy that you like. It helps me for a spell, it's great. Try the real gratitude journal too, it's helped some.


12-04-2017, 01:27 AM
I too feel that way sometimes but I try my best to keep myself occupied. When you're idle, you think of the "not good things".

salvator here
12-04-2017, 10:33 PM
Yeah, too much time on my hands and I start go down a dark road. When you don't leave the house for weeks it just gets worse and your safe underground bunker turns into a prison. I know it all too well!