View Full Version : I feel like there's something seriously wrong with me

11-20-2008, 06:00 PM
I will try to make this as short and descriptive as I can.
Basically, I am 18 years old. My parents are divorced and both remarried. One thing I know has had a major effect on me is my grandmother passing away two years go. My mother is an alcoholic and I moved in with my boyfriend of two years three months ago. When I had just turned sixteen I had my gall bladder removed because of gall stones and I also had pancreatitis. I was in the hospital for about a week and had a rough time getting better because I was so afraid of something else bad happening to me. Last year around this time was probably the most intense for me. From November to February I was having panic/anxiety attacks almost daily. I would get one small pain and look it up on the internet or think I was dying. My heart would pound like crazy and I would just feel completely out of control. Things got better once spring came this year and over the summer the only problems I had were when I moved out of my mothers house. I had a very small attacks then, but nothing too serious. For the past two weeks or so I have been feeling terrible. I've gained some weight and I feel a little depressed about it. I've been getting pains in my left arm.. feeling like my shoulder has to pop. I guess that is a sign of gas and can happen to people that have had gall bladder removal. I just feel like something is ALWAYS wrong with me. I feel crazy sometimes and then there are times where I am completely normal and am so happy. I just don't understand what is going on. Two years ago I saw a counselor and she helped a little, but I stopped going once I met my boyfriend. He made me happy and I was fine for a while. I don't know what to do. If someone can please tell me something helpful that would be great. Also, do you think I do have serious problem?

11-21-2008, 01:15 AM
Health is the biggest asset we have so I think it's normal to worry a little. You could try turning that worry into something productive though, for example a work out programme or a healthy eating plan to stick to :)

11-21-2008, 09:30 AM
I can kind of relate to you. I had my gall bladder removed two years ago this past October. I had a hard time recovering as well. The experience seemed to make my anxiety a lot worse. I was actually out of work for two weeks shortly after my recovery because of it and then it took me like a year to feel "normal". now I am feeling very anxious again and looking things up every time i get a little pain. I feel like my stomach will never be the same even thought the doctors have told me it should go back to normal. It always ends up getting better the less I worry though so try not to worry so much.

11-21-2008, 12:52 PM
Hey! Oh my goodness, I feel so like what you are describing! I am 23 and have suffered from OCD and anxiety pretty much since I can remember. I go through phases and have been good for the past 3 yrs or so however have recently had a really bad phase of anxiety about health. I have never had my gall bladder out so unable to relate to that but the feeling that ny ache and pain is something serioud crosses my mind all the time, and stays with me. I am absolutely paranoid and have become a hyperchondriac and hate myself for it. :( It's awful, any pain I get I think about all the time and then it seems to be there everytime I think about it, along with things like a cough, tight chest, sore back...the list goes on...I am driving myself crazy and just want to stop worrying ALL the time.

11-21-2008, 01:44 PM
Me too. It seems like everything I have is magnified and life threatening. I've been having this crazy pressure and tingling in my head. Everything leads to the anxiety but I am really freaked out. I think most of it is stemming from tension but it is so bad I can not concentrate at times.

11-21-2008, 01:56 PM
Thank for the replies. It makes me feel a little better to know that I'm not alone in this!

11-21-2008, 02:19 PM
You are certainly not alone...the thing is is that I am sure that anxiety magnifies the aches and pains and horrible symptoms. But there is no way to stop this! Does reading magazine articles and hearing things in the press about health and illness highten your anxiety and symptoms?

11-21-2008, 02:24 PM
Definately that is a trigger for me. I try to avoid it if I can but am drawn to it sometimes. Especially lately because my head has been feeling like it is going to explode. Numbness and all kinds of things so I try to distract myself buy just find more reasons to panic it seems

11-21-2008, 02:51 PM
Yes that is something that makes it worse for me too. I love reading magazines and every time there's a health related article, it's like I have to read it. If there's something about a cancer or anything, I feel like I'm going to get it or already have it. It's ridiculous.

11-21-2008, 03:03 PM
I can totally relate to the first post.

I'm 26, used to be a care-free and healthy young man, but I'm now a wreck pretty much every day.

I've somehow over the last year managed to turn every ache and pain into something life threatening. I'm a tall lanky lad so I suffer from low desks, crap chairs, bad backs, chest pains, not getting a seat on a 90 min train ride... etc etc

Bascially for the last year I have been convinced I'm going to collapse (heart attack seems the most common worry).

It's absolutely ridiculous and I know there is nothing wrong... but still.

I often suffer from panic attacks but always manage to maintain composure and calm down, but it's all something I could really do without.

Best of luck getting it all under control. :goodjob:

11-22-2008, 11:49 AM
I can relate to everything posted. I have had so many symptoms associated with anxiety but just lately they seem to be getting the better of me. I just want to feel better but feel as if i'm in a dark tunnel and cant get out of it!

11-28-2008, 07:43 AM
My anxiety is crazy! I hate it...I just feel constantly worried about every little thing that I feel...I rumble inside and I worry, I ache and i worry, I cough and I worry...and on it goes...I am driving myself absolutely mad. I am seeing the Dr tomorrow to try to get some further psychiatric help...but I am so scared by physical symptoms...does anybody else feel like this?

11-28-2008, 07:59 AM
My anxiety is crazy! I hate it...I just feel constantly worried about every little thing that I feel...I rumble inside and I worry, I ache and i worry, I cough and I worry...and on it goes...I am driving myself absolutely mad. I am seeing the Dr tomorrow to try to get some further psychiatric help...but I am so scared by physical symptoms...does anybody else feel like this?