View Full Version : Anxiety Gone again.

11-18-2017, 09:55 PM
Hey everyone.

So ive had really bad anxiety in the past. Cured it myself without any meds.

I was free from anxiety completelyn for 2 years. (This means back to my normal self). Full of energy, desire, passion hapiness etc.

The start of this year I went through a traumatic period where a family member got sick and alot more responsibility was put onto my shoulders. I worked extremely hard being the perfectionist that i am and adopted alot of old bad habits that i did before i had anxiety the first time. My life was hectic with bad eating poor sleep times etc

I slowly stsrted burning out again and the anxiety completely returned.

Bad anxiety from march to about just 2 weeks ago. When its completely gone again.

Over The entire period it slowly got better and better as i implememted good habits again ate well. And did an entire bunch of things i did the first time to recover.

Im back to normal now again and ive beem symptom free for 2 weeks and all my energy is returning.

Is this anxiety?? Or is.this post traumatic.stress disorder... Or do i simply keep burning myself out with bad lifestyle habits which gives me these mental issues.

Would love to know ur opinions. Im 23 by the way.

11-18-2017, 10:16 PM
It's hard to say. How well do you think you process your emotions?

Your amygdala could become over-activated due to a combination of burnout and repressed negative emotions.

As well as looking after yourself physically, you may find it helpful to keep a diary. Just to unload.

11-19-2017, 09:40 AM
Struggling 1234, you were asking if you have anxiety issues or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder...PTSD is considered an anxiety disorder by therapists, just so you know.

11-20-2017, 07:07 AM
PTSD possibly

11-20-2017, 09:37 AM
Hi there,

You sound like me with the perfectionism and burn-out. Glad you’re on an upward spiral though.

All the best,
Gypsy x

11-21-2017, 11:18 PM
It's hard to say. How well do you think you process your emotions?

Your amygdala could become over-activated due to a combination of burnout and repressed negative emotions.

As well as looking after yourself physically, you may find it helpful to keep a diary. Just to unload.


Its more traumatic events that trigger it and overburdening my self with too much work, sleeping extremely late all the time and just bad habits... Overtime they burn me out. I meen thats how i feel i anyway. When i feel normal i cram things into my day amd just try to everything and anything.

I think i process emotions decently.... But ive always been a bit of a scared person growing up. Just nervous about things.

I think u may he correct with the over stimulated amygdala. Becuase when im feeling good i just forget all my good lifestyle habits and return back to eating junk sleeping late etc....

Sometimes i feel like ive got no one to talk to or family wont understand...

11-21-2017, 11:22 PM
Struggling 1234, you were asking if you have anxiety issues or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder...PTSD is considered an anxiety disorder by therapists, just so you know.

Oh yeah you are right. The first time i ever had anxiety was soley caused because of burnout... I never looked after myself and dedicated all my life into a business i was running.

This time around i also burnt myself out but also had a trauma with a family member being really sick which made me feel like il loose someone close and i was scared of what would happen.. This is what bought it all back.

But slowly things have improved considerably since march...

Ive done alot of things good habits and lifestyle and over the last 9 months or so things have imoroved everyday. Its a slow process but things are improving.

11-21-2017, 11:23 PM
PTSD possibly

Hmm yeah ive noticed it always comes on when i burn myself out with bad lifestyle habits.

Then over many months if i return to a healthy lifestyle i get better and better and then recover....

11-21-2017, 11:30 PM
Hi there,

You sound like me with the perfectionism and burn-out. Glad you’re on an upward spiral though.

All the best,
Gypsy x


Yes im a perfectionist and very smart... I put way to much pressure on myself and so do my family with their demands they put on me never asking if i can even cope with it.

If i try and explain it they just tell me that i have nothing hard in my life..... Its so hard for people who dont know how we feel u know.

I always burn myself out taking on too many things in my day thinking i need to get ahead in life be successful... I sleep late i eat bad i spend too much time on my phone....

I am on a slow upward spiral.. Most of its gone but my eneegy levels still fluctuate depending on what i do during the day. Just trying to really work hard and implement positive life habits that i keep going for life.

Becuase i never want anxoety to ever return once im a 100% back to normal. We forget very quickly how bad we were....

Whats ur story how are you?