View Full Version : Back for a little rambling

11-16-2017, 01:18 PM
Does it ever go away...I guess not I have been on this site since 2009, I pop in and out, can't stay to long because I start to feed off of everyone elses anxiety. Many times I think I am good only to crash again.

For whatever reason i wanted to share what happened to me this morning, I was dreaming about a reunion for my High School class. I hated High School being socially awkward, with anxiety just made me a walking target, it was hell. Anyway when i woke up my mind just flooded with memories , and one in particular from my senior class day program came flooding back and just started a major anxiety attack. I high school I did my best to keep a low profile, however I was smart in school because my parents demand nothing but the best in school. Class day gave a some of the "mean" in may class one last pot shot at me, embarrassed me and my family. There I am sitting on stage with the other honor students, when my name is read for future predictions. GADGUY ( I am not going to use exact words) basically "never had sex never will". I was so embarrassed and my family was furious...anyway ruined the whole day( I was raised very Christian).

Long story shortened, for a brief period this morning I was paralyzed by anxiety, until I managed to talk myself down.

11-17-2017, 04:14 AM
Hi gadguy,

I nearly always have the worst anxiety when I wake up (like now). It’s awful.

Gypsy x