View Full Version : New and freaked out

11-20-2008, 10:43 AM
Hey, I am new to this site and just trying to find people to relate to. I suffered really bad anxiety that started after some of my family members passed away. It has been two years that I have been batteling this anxiety and a few months ago I thought I finally had it beat. Then all of a sudden it's back and I feel incapable of functioning. I guess I am just trying to get it out. Everyone around me is really worn out from dealing with my constant panic and always worrying. I just don't know why it's back and I am really stressed out. I do have a lot going on but i am so scared something bad is going to happen to me. I also am supposed to be going on vacation in 2 weeks and i am terrified to fly and be out of my element but I think in the long run it may help to conquer the fear. Maybe that is triggering me. sorry to unload so much. Can anyone relate??

11-21-2008, 12:22 AM
I totally can relate (as probably everyone else here), but the thing to remember is to never give up. I am constantly afraid of panicking in different situations, but to fix that is that I throw myself head first into the situation (and I dont get an attack) because you are only fearing fear itself. Just don't let one bad incident control your life. You sound like a strong person and I know you will pull through just fine...just believe in yourself.

Also, try an exercise activity like yoga because it helps you cleanse your mind and your body.

11-21-2008, 04:56 AM
Thank you. Yoga might not be a bad idea. For some reason though i seem to start to panic when I try to exercise.