View Full Version : Forum Triggers - Telling others we are praying for them.

11-11-2017, 01:36 PM
Already I feel the need to apologize for being so presumptuous as to use the term 'we.' My sincerest apologizes for assuming everyone here believes as 'me.'

__________________________________________________ ___________________ https://image.ibb.co/gEMRcb/rolls_eyes_png.png

Allow me to clarify the title - as like the phrase within it - it 'may' come across as arrogant, presuming that this forum is primarily made up of people the same as me. There are now health studies which indicate that 'telling' others their being prayed for can actually create anxiety for them. Other than performance anxiety of perhaps falling under the expectations of a stranger, let's consider the implication of bestowing our prayers upon those who have been burnt by relgion. Let's face it - Religion has burned many people in it's time; quite literally. In fact anxiety disorders now being medicated at an alarming rate can be viewed as nothing more than a byproduct of indoctrination spawn from rigid systems of belief; or is at least the context from which I share my thoughts. So it is for good reason that the topics of religion and politics are often banned in various mental health facilities as to avoid triggering many who suffer with severe mental health conditions. (They even ban it in some pubs. Intriguing.) Unless of course the facility in question stipulates it's fundamentally a religious institution.

I question not the sincerity with which others hand out their prayers ... although I think it's a fair bet when using the term WE in a secular forum such as this, that such comes of as somewhat arrogant. It's worth considering when using likewise religious endearments as entitled in this thread, that without the knowledge of another's experience and or beliefs; that one is just as likely to cause more pain as opposed to one's well wishing.

This goes out with respect to all ... but most of all ... to those of use who have suffered terribly under the banner of the church.

Also consider how one may be doing one's religion more harm than good ... with the now knowing of how presumptuous one's well meaning can in fact be read.

I myself beleive prayer is a powerful healing act, but just as much aware of the damage it often does. Please beware of the dynamics in which is done.

With respect
~ Ponder

Please by all means ... share your thoughts? ... but in secular forums such as these - do contemplate keeping your prayers to yourself. TY for your consideration.

11-13-2017, 02:03 AM
Hey Ponder,

I think it’s the word “prayer” more than anything. It’s connected to the formal religions - in our case, mainly Christianity. I was brought up Atheist so it doesn’t affect me much but I’ve spoken with others who have literally been traumatised by formal religion.

I wouldn’t call myself Atheist anymore and I do think there is power in “prayer” but I rarely use that word for what it is I do.

Gypsy x

11-13-2017, 04:10 AM
Yea ... Atheist is as much dogmatic in it's resistance. It comes down to intent with respect to prayer being a healing thing. Yea ... I am still struggling to be sure with respect to the trauma I went through. Guess what ... I got a call from my sister. Looks like there is talk about a payout for us kids that suffered like so. Don't want to get my hopes up and kind of feeling a little sick now it's all back up in the air again. I talk about that in my other thread.

Thx for your reply ... Although you don't need me to agree ... Is good to think a like. means a lot to be understood.