View Full Version : ASMR - Have You Tried It & What Do You Think?

11-09-2017, 02:06 PM
ASMR (Autonomous sensory meridian response) is achieved through a process of visual and auditory cues that triggers the brain to release chemicals that relax the body.

Tingles is the buzz word that literally sets off a vibration that runs from the upper centre of one's head down, down into the tail bone and outward to various parts of the body like a soft gentle wave that's said to put many to bed.

I find the onset and release of feel good chemicals does not exactly travel the path as so typically described. For me it's like someone pouring warm water over my third eye whilst I be laying down. From there a soft gentle wave runs down inside my neck and separates along my shoulder going down each of my arms and the core of my body whilst dissipating as it passes the level of my heart. I can liken the experience to warm bath water being poured over one's cold body.

To induce this affect quality headphones are required. The cues/triggers sort out by the presenter/artist making an ASMR video will not trigger everyone. It would seem people react differently to different triggers. Desensitization is also another factor to consider as people who get hooked on the ASMR phenomenon/experience will typically hit a wall through repeated listening. I have found the less I listen to ASMR the better the effect when I draw upon it. I personally have used ASMR for about 10 years now. Personal belief systems & ideals can limit ones ability to benefit from the affect. In the same way I have benefited from mindfulness practices via non judgement, so it is that I have been able to better connect and experience ASMR. Whilst it is said that everyone has the capacity to experience ASMR, not everyone is ready or willing. Personal experiences is something else I feel needs to be factored in.

Things To Be Aware of! I think this is where personal experiences may be factored in as to reason why it can either be a love and hate relationship with ASMR in mind. Desensitization can be quick for me when I just don't connect with various forms of ASMR being displayed.

Just a few ... Forms of ASMR: Each form will include it's own set of unique triggers.

Role Plays. Role Plays seem to hinge more on 'Personal Attention' which is another from of ASMR in itself. Some plays can be effective whilst others seem to more off putting (a complete turn off) than anything else. It's a very personal thing! Triggers mostly include auditory/sound however visuals may also be focused upon as well.

Personal Attention. Which is a form of Role Play but focuses more on being up front in close. I have come to find more visual stimulation being used in this form of ASMR. Basic visuals being the proximity of someone being close combined with say whispering in one's ear. That's a combination of two triggers - visual and sound BUT proximity being a third! SPACE is something I am sensitive. I think is the case with most people. Personal attention videos can also be just as much a turn off as role plays when not done right. Personal experience goes a long way here. People with longer life experience (more mature artists) do a better job for me.

Tapping. I'm not a huge fan of this one. Nevertheless it seems to very popular with many asmr enthusiasts. Sometimes it works for me, but mostly not. I find its the one trigger that is overdone and can quickly turn what would be a great presentation into a complete flop. Alas this is just my thoughts an ASMR. When done right it can be used as a cue to approach a different kind or trigger or simply be used in combo. Tapping by itself I find rather annoying. I think it's more fan fare and approached more because it's simple and easy to do.

Crinkles. Just like tapping this one can also get annoying real quick when over done. However I do find it has potential to help open me up. A good mic is essential, however the extreme is that it can also be too loud with off putting clicks and pops. Again ... fan fair imo. It's all in the combination of how triggers are used with the theme and intention of artist that either makes for a working piece of not.

There are many of forms of triggers and styles of ASMR. I really don't want to write a book ... just sharing my view and experience with it the last ten years or there abouts. My introduction to it was coming across young girl on YouTube doing a relaxation video. I'd never really even done much youtube to be honest. Also if I am to be honest I also felt a little weird watching a young girl on YouTube who seem to be so open and personal as she herself opened up. I think this says more about my own insecurities and upbringing than anything else. Thankfully since unlearning most of the doctrine that was pumped into me, I too began to open myself up. This artist name is 'The One Lilium (https://www.youtube.com/user/TheOneLilium)'

ASMR The Band Wagon - "It's not the same for me as it once was."

Lilium's video no longer has the same affect on me as they once did for me. Just like how I have come to perceive ASMR differently and undergone a change in the way I think and see; so too there have been changes for many of the artists I used to follow. The essence of ASMR with those triggers that work for me and my make up with the way I see means that there is little in the whole fan fair that really works for me. YET on occasion I will browse the ASMR genera to find those few that still have an affect for me. It's a drug really. Can be used for good affect, but as with most pharmaceuticals falls into the category of being way over used and also having people get hooked. Knowing what it is and how to use it is the key for me.

The ability to combine self hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming, with sensory triggers kind of demystifies asmr in my book - OR - when you come across those now rare encounters with an asmr artists that knows how to combine said psychological elements into their work ... well that's another kettle of fish; one that pricks my interest. ASMR today has lost it's gloss for me that there are too many Indians and not enough chiefs. It's vitally become a child's play ground that lacks the knowledge and insight that's required to make ASMR anything more than ABC. Nothing more than a quick fix that fast becomes a hook leading to no where real quick.

Finding good work take can a long search. Despite being sensitive ... I still much prefer a good guided mediation similar to the one I first found that lilium did. Hmmm I can't find that one. Must be too old. This one is not as old but still goes back a little → Guided Visualization - The Heart of The Sun
I guess Liliums channel is a good example of the changing dynamics in ASMR. Early on lack of professional gear did not hold her channel back as she has a really great spirit for the sharing and still does. Her scripting and or the way she presents and tells the story is very genuine and heart felt. Just the right mix of volume and accompanied relaxing tunes that work very well. Not always ... but for the most part and she also learned that part pretty quick. Sadly for me ... because I am not really into the ear licking and that side of things ... The One Lilium Channel has kind of ventured away from the good old guided relaxation vids. Her channel still has them from time to time and she's also really great at all she does. Alas ... her channel for me just shows well how ASMR has changed over the years.

At any rate ... that's enough waffling on from me. This is just my opinion. Hope you don't mind me sharing like so. If ASMR helps to wag your tail them I am all for it!!! I still source it out from time to time myself which is why I brought the topic up. I love a good Personal Attention Video. As you can tell ... I'm just fussy with what works for me. I've pretty much been with ASMR from the very early days.

Edit ... just wanted to add another ASMR artist no longer on the scene that I know off. She has some videos as far back as seven years ago.
Whispering Crystal (https://www.youtube.com/user/WhisperCrystal/videos) Here's an example around 5 years ago - # 153 - *Whisper* Self Confidence Hypnosis
It was during this phase of ASMR that many artists where doing guided relaxation scenarios with whispering and other yet to be coined ASMR styles of speech. (tongue clicking, popping ect...) Essentially ASMR spawn from these guys. Again even though I was not actually watching Whispering Crystal on the screen, it still felt weird, however the more I gave her presentations a go, the more I found that she was quite gifted in various areas similar to many other mindfulness guided meditations I was then utilizing on youtube at that time ... at still to some degree is.

Here is a good artist that knows her stuff ... Listen in the below vid as Maria explains very briefly what she thinks ASMR is - Be sure to use headphone and turn them up!


Also here is a funny news report on the topic → Here! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_FUKeQe8IQ)

Post continued below:

11-09-2017, 05:39 PM
"Take a deep breath ... just relax ... take another breath ... deeper and deeper ... SHHHHHHHHHHHH ... that's right ... your doing good ... " http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/smoke/smiley-rolling-joint.gif I mean whatever works right?

Well actually the latter smoked like that only freaks me out but seems to work for others. Anyways ... the opening of this post is kind of open to a lot of trolling with an introduction like that! I'm continuing on from the ASMR post linked in the post above. Poor old Whispering Crystal (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6f9CM5K0hug) used to cop a lot of heat in her comments section with 'Deeper and Deeper!!!' on so on. I myself almost switched off as the resistant part in me was crying out CORNY!!!! WTF?

Suffice to say for whatever reason I persisted with this or that video and flicking through the play lists; I was surprised at how the guided meditations/hypnosis sessions were working on me. Like I sad in the asmr thread 'The One Lilium' was another asmr artist that I came across early on. This was before asmr really took off. Early on it was simply more about Guided Relaxation. I actually found one of her earlier videos that caught my attention. The contrast I make when looking back at the earlier vids is just how much a different path that branch has now reached. Of course that is purely subjective to my own view; from where I sit and how I think and feel. Some have said it went down a dark path for them. I think not to choose such words but simply say it's not really been a path for me. I am happy though that Lilium seems to be happy with where she be.

In the following video ... I was drawn in by her sense of passion, inexperience, and genuine intent. Her videos and followers grew pretty quick as did her experience. As with us all, the latter saw a loss in innocence, but that said ... despite her tree ending up in a patch not for me - I do love how sincere she has always been and remains to be.

Lilium - Before becoming an ASMR QUEEN!


It's a big step going from the above guided relaxation to kissing and licking plastic ears as seen below. It's not what I originally had in mind. BUT ... whatever works I guess. Go Lilium http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/cats/licking-cat-smiley-emoticon.gif

Click here for → Instant Gratification! (https://youtu.be/9RwGGixLVYE?t=467)

https://image.ibb.co/gYpL2b/lick_lick.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RwGGixLVYE)

Like I said ... she certainly retained her passion and sincerity!!! She is a master at was she does and when it comes to making ASMR a drug ... she wins hands down. No messing about with Lilium. Got to love that about her. Alas ... I only wish she would do more of her guided meditations like she started off with. I and many others. I just think something has been lost along the way; as well all do. That said ... her channels no doubt is continually utilized by the masses. Perhaps people reading me may have found themselves a new vice.

All the power to those who find this hit's the spot for them! https://image.ibb.co/ey49vw/lust.gif

I wonder though if there are those reading on that now get what I mean when I say that along the way something was lost? Over the years there has been debate on how ASMR is seemingly taking the path of soft porn? It's a topic to be sure. My take on the term 'soft porn' is simple really. Lust and desire through an act that facilitates a sexual urge. I'm no saint and even at my age still experience strong desires - BUT - it's not really a path for me. At least not when I am aiming for long lasting peace and tranquility that does not leave me feeling sapped me when done. Go figure. Hmmm Sexual Energy now comes to mind. I've heard it all and still reason that to be more an unwelcome distraction than any kind of gate way to the next realm. Kids ... go figure. Give them a couple of decades and they'll soon fathom. Sigh ... but drugs sell well and the young make good addicts.

So don't be shy ... Let us know about your own experiences with ASMR and tell us what you think?