View Full Version : Anxiety over leg pain

11-02-2017, 01:13 PM
I've had some leg pain in my calf. I went to the doctor because I had been on a long car ride. I went for an ultrasound and was told there are no signs of a blood clot. But even with that and the pain has not gone away. Even though they told me that, I can't wonder if they missed something. I feel like I'm being unreasonable but yet can't get past it. Any advice?

11-02-2017, 09:40 PM
Is your leg still in a lot of pain? It's hard for me to believe they would miss a blood clot so I feel sure you're safe from that. It should get better soon. (unless you went to someplace that is incompetent, a blood clot would be hard to miss).

11-03-2017, 05:50 PM
Lynn 1987, how much confidence do you have in this doctor? Did he or she seem thorough and competent?

11-10-2017, 01:22 PM
Thanks for the responses ...
Anne - I'm not in a lot of pain but intermittent discomfort in varying areas now in my leg
MainerMike - I do trust my doctor - my issue is I went online and saw that sometimes ultrasounds miss blood clots and I"m having this continued discomfort.
I may need to go back to the doctor to discuss this further. It's so difficult though - I've had varying issues for a while that turned out, for the most part, to be nothing - but I don't want to miss something that may be important.