View Full Version : New to the Forum not to Anxiety!

11-18-2008, 12:12 PM
Well first I would just like to thank everyone for reading my attempt to clear my life from anxiety. Any help woud be greatly appreciated

I'am a 24 year old male that has been dealing with chronic anxiety with panic attacks every once in a while. some of my symptoms include:

-constent worrying (always feel lieks something is wrong even if there isnt)
-can't explain myself (feels like thoughts are racing through my head at 1000 miles an hour).
-when i get questioned my heart races and i cant explain myself the best as i should be able to
-doesnt seem like i can ever fully relax. something always is running through my head.
-i have had panic attacks in the past but havent had one in the past couple years
-Difficulty concentrating (doesnt seem like a i can read for very long, without something disctracting me or usually thinking about a problem)

Also i notice i get more anxious in the fall or winter could be related to SAD (seasonal Anxiety Disorder) and most of my panic attacks did come from SAD.

I have taken several types of Holistic remedies:
-Valarian root
-kava kava

none seem to help as much as i would like. I remember a time in my life when i was stress or anxiety free and would like to get back to that point any help would be greatly appreciated thank you!

11-19-2008, 11:01 PM
Have you tried a 'light box' or a lamp or a fireplace during the winter SAD episodes? Kind of sounds counterintuitive, but fully lit rooms with overhead lights do nothing for me - I'd feel better in that same room if it just had a lamp on in the corner. Maybe I feel too exposed in bright lights.

Also, get outside and walk or run. Stretch.

Have felt pretty good the last couple of months and it started with Chamomille and Jasmine tea. Then a daily multivitamin. Walking. Way less red meat and fat, but lots of chicken, then way down on sugar. No coffee, but still some caffeinated, sugarless Colas and some black tea, but mostly green. I've also been out more to work outings at the bar to dinner at a friend's house, things I wouldn't have done last spring. A benzo when needed (.5mg/2x/ week?, not much) and I try to be more patient. Also, a few drinks with friends over lunch or dinner.

Maybe it's a combination of alot of different things that have finally come together to ease the turmoil. Try alot of things. Have you seen a doctor?

11-20-2008, 04:19 AM
Have you tried a 'light box' or a lamp or a fireplace during the winter SAD episodes? Kind of sounds counterintuitive, but fully lit rooms with overhead lights do nothing for me - I'd feel better in that same room if it just had a lamp on in the corner. Maybe I feel too exposed in bright lights.

light box is very good advice for SAD :) the point of the bulb in the lightbox is that it emits a very intense kind of light, not just the kind that comes from your average bulb in an ordinary lamp. a normal lamp or fireplace wont do the job! vitamin D is also highly recommended for people who suffer with SAD. sunlight heals our bodies to create this vitamin, but for obvious reasons in the summer we don't get as much so taking a supplement during the winter months is a good idea. talk to your pharmacist or health food store or even doctor about a good vitamin D supplment :)