View Full Version : Anxiety Symptoms? Need to know

10-14-2017, 09:30 AM
Hi everyone, I'm 36 and I've had health anxiety all my life but never as bad as I've had it the last 2 months. It started with slight stomach discomfort and then my mind took over. I told myself I had something serious and now I have developed new symptoms. Over the last week my leg muscles and arms feel like I did a full body workout. Extremely sore but not to the point of weakness. This symptom is really worrying me. It comes and goes through out the day. I also have a strange vibration in my left thigh every now and then. I feel very fatigued because of the muscle soreness. I went to my GP and got a checkup and blood work done and everything came back fine. Does anyone else have these symptoms? Thank you in advance.

10-16-2017, 07:48 PM
I have had these symptoms before. Two years ago, to be exact, and my doctor told me that it was anxiety. It was brought on because I started college two years ago, and my body was responding to the stress and anxiety. I'm only 20 years old, so I'm not an expert, but it's possible that your symptoms are just your body responding to extreme stress and anxiety. Are there any stressful or anxiety-inducing situations in your life right now that could be causing this? When I experienced these symptoms, they went away soon after my doctor told me everything that I just told you, and it made me feel better. Hope this helps!

10-22-2017, 12:26 AM
Well, stomach discomfort is as classic an anxiety symptom as there is. The thigh vibration I've had, I get shakes in my hands and legs often. The muscle fatigue i'm less familiar with but it's on the list. Good for you for getting a checkup w/ your GP. These are anxiety symptoms you're having, no doubt.

10-22-2017, 04:49 PM
I also have had these symptoms including the fatigue . . . I think that anxiety kept me in high alert that I just got tired out physically from overwork psychologically . . . .as counterproductive as this may sound, I found that one strategy was to actually exercise (in my case, this is walking) . . . part of the reason, I suspect, is that walking/exercise distracts me psychologically; doing something proactive gives me a sense of accomplishment; and walking allows me to use mindfulness to help me manage the symptoms. As for the stomach discomfort, my GI doc explained that the brain and the gut are interconnected with nerves so that if the brain is having an anxiety storm/episode, chances are that it will have an impact on your gut. Neo2000 are you doing any specific strategies to help manage your anxiety? Great news that you had a clean check up and blood work so that may help put your health anxiety down a notch or two . . .take care, kc

11-08-2017, 01:21 PM
Muscles can cramp

11-11-2017, 04:24 PM
According to my psychiatrist, muscle cramping and soreness is a common symptom of generalized anxiety disorder - I get them in my thighs and calves also!

11-29-2017, 01:45 PM
Well the muscle pain and neck pain are gone, now I have tension headaches all day and nausea which freak me out even worse. I find myself scanning my body for everything and anything. I have convinced myself I have a brain tumor and I am terrified. I have been over analyzing everything now to reinforce my diagnosis. I knocked over a bottle of water the other day and I freaked out because clumsiness is a symptom. I know I most likely do not have a brain tumor but my body does not believe it. Anyone else going through something similar?

11-30-2017, 10:27 AM
I am the same way, and I believed I have a brain tumor because of the clumsiness symptom, nausea, and tinglyness, headaches, and out of body feelings. I was able to get over this by thinking like this. Nausea, tingliness, headaches, and disassociation (out of body feelings) are all symptoms of anxiety. the clumsiness can come from the disassociation, or lightheadedness connected to anxiety. The headaches would not be tension, they would be severe migraines all the time, you would have seizures, and your bones would be brittle. Google searches don't do justice to how severe the symptoms are of brain tumors. I hope this helps :)