View Full Version : Frustrated.

10-13-2017, 05:49 PM
I am getting really frustrated. I have attempted to post 3 different post over the last week and not a single one has been posted. Always says it has to be modified. Is there another forum I can be apart of besides this one?

10-13-2017, 05:50 PM
And of course this one goes through. ugh!

10-14-2017, 12:14 PM
Argh! It’s never happened to me in 4 years and I say some controversial stuff. Good luck :)

10-19-2017, 06:18 PM
Same this happens to me . . .does not seem to be any reason one of mine is posted but the other four have never seen the light of day. . . I have sent a message to the webmaster with no response because, apparently, one is not allowed to contact the moderators directly . . . at least that is the message that popped up when I tried to send a message to one of the moderators . . . . it's too bad because one of my friends has already left the forum and quite frankly I am getting to the place also . . . . kc

10-19-2017, 07:55 PM
No wonder there aren't many people posting these days!

10-24-2017, 05:28 PM
Okay . . . . was able to post last time . . . tried posting this time . . .my posting went to Moderator Heaven . . . I doubt if it will see the light of day . . . .I think this is about it for me on this site . . . .to those who may see this and have their postings actually appear in a consistent way, my best wishes because these forums can be great . . . . for me, well, I guess I will have to continue my search for another home because I find it too frustrating not knowing whether a response will get posted or not . . . . again, best wishes for all of you and bless you hearts for reaching out to others. . . take care, kc

ps this seems to be the only thread where my posts consistently appear . . . .I find that somewhat entertaining . . .

10-24-2017, 05:36 PM
It happened to me too when I first signed up. So I made another account hence the 05 at the end of my user name. That worked, I can post normally now. It's worth trying to open a new account if you're struggling to post.

10-24-2017, 07:17 PM
I love that line..."my posting went to Moderator Heaven". Thanks for sharing that.