View Full Version : Panic Attacks

11-18-2008, 11:34 AM
I had to go and give blood this morning for my cholesterol test and I had one of those attacks while giving blood. The lady taking my blood said that it was a panic attack. What happened was while I giving blood I got really hot and my throat got a tight feeling in it like I could not breathe. The laid me back and put some ice on me to cool me off but I am still continuing to have the hot flashes and throat tightness now and it has been over 3 hours ago when the first one started. I took my Paxil and I have had 2 .05 Xanax since this started. Does this sound like anxiety and panic to yall? My blood pressure was good and my pulse rate was around 70.

11-18-2008, 05:49 PM

It is anxiety. Your body reacts and then you feel the effects. Even though you had the blood test earlier today and have taken paxil and xanax, you can sometimes still have symptoms.

For example, I myself had a bad moment of anxiety this morning and I am still feeling it. Not as much as this morning, but it is still here.

It is normal to feel effects from panic attacks. I hate saying this...but it is true. Perhaps try to have a nap or do some relaxation exercises.