View Full Version : Update on Me

11-18-2008, 07:48 AM
Okay so my doctor gave me 10 mg of Paxil to take everyday so I took one last night, and I felt really drunk. Now my only smptons I am having is lightheadness all day so this drunk feeling is not much better. By the way my blood pressure was high yesterday and that really freaked me out because mine usually runs low. If you have taken Paxil please let me know how it worked for you. I have my first therapy session Thursday. I feel like I am falling apart at 25. I ride my exercise bike for about 15 mintues yesterday so that is a start. Thank you for reading.

11-18-2008, 05:53 PM
I take paxil too. When I first started taking it, I felt strange. I don't recall feeling "drunk" but I did have a headache and had moments when I felt I was in the clouds. All these symptoms went away after about 2 weeks.

Keep trying it, but do talk to your doctor if you are really concerned.