View Full Version : New here ....trying to get an idea of other peoples symptoms

11-17-2008, 08:56 PM
Hi I am new to this forum and am just wondering what everyone else's symptoms are and if they feel them on a daily basis as i do? I am also wondering if anyone knows how to work past these felling so I am not a constant worry wart that something is wrong with me medically! I seem to have some sort of symptom everyday!! I usually feel lightheaded or off balance, which comes and goes throughout the day. Often times a headache, tightness in my chest, sometimes an "unreal feeling" and feeling like I am choking or can't breath. It is like I never really feel very good! Often times feel really tired too!! Sometimes the symptoms are worse when I am out in public places or are in a crowd! I don't always have all of these symptoms but I usually have at least two or more a day.

11-17-2008, 10:31 PM
Hi there,

You are not alone with what you are feeling. Many people, including myself feel the same thing daily. This is all, unfortunately, part of anxiety.

I get clammy hands from my anxiety. It used to drive me CRAZY and I would get more anxious. I used my clammy hands as an indicator to how anxious I was feeling. What helped me was accepting it and allowing myself to have these feelings. I knew it wasn't going to hurt me.

I have read a number of different books on anxiety. The best technique I have come across is progressive muscle relaxation. It helps me to relax. The more I practice it the better I became and I can take 5 mins when I am feeling anxious, and then I can continue.

Perhaps check some books out about anxiety from your local library. They are a wealth of resources, without having to dish out money.