View Full Version : so mad....

11-17-2008, 08:32 PM
i'm so sick and tired of having anxiety it is ruling over my life everyday is such a hassle i hate it soo much things that used to be easy and are now so difficult. i'm stressed out 24/7 i break out from stress and stomach aches and headaches all the time cause i cry and everything gahhhh y do ppl have anxiety its the worse thing ever. i want to be back to myself. i just wish i had ppl to talk about this rather than noone who truly knows. sorry for venting :( talk to me if you would like. :(

11-17-2008, 10:25 PM

I am SO SORRY for how you are feeling. Anxiety is VERY frustrating.

The only comfort to me is knowing that there are others who understand, specifically this forum. Being able to talk to others is a relief for me.

So I hope that you realize that we are here for you.

11-18-2008, 01:23 PM
yeah i just wish i could talk to someone more and more to get things out cause im like stressed out now to the point that my stomach feels really sick and im lightheaded and ughh i just feel like crawling up and sleeping already. i keep crying and crying which equals no rest i wish people understand that knew me . :cry:

11-18-2008, 01:56 PM
Sorry to hear beachbabe23. Have you tried exercise? Sometimes that can help.