View Full Version : An Ex-Christians Introduction Into Astral Projection:
10-03-2017, 05:15 PM
If I can't make friends in this world, I will make them in another. No doubt in the doing, I am confident that I will then make some in this one. I just tired to join the astral portal forum but my 'forum application' was rejected. Rejection is the story of my life. That said, I have never let that stop me from moving on before. Alas, it is time for a new thread. A new tool for the box in dealing with all facets of mental illness as listed in this and other mental health forums:
An Ex-Christians Introduction Into Astral Projection:
I could not think of two more extremes when considering my background as a charismatic christian to that of the 'Astral Realm.' Whilst the former actually sets the stage for a terrifying entry into the latter, it has also provided me with the ability to face demons that need not exist. This I refer more to the insights that typically come from experiencing both sides of opposing fronts where wisdom overcomes conflict and enables peace. This is where unique experiences can do more than just give one an eccentric view; it opens doors where I was taught that none exist.
Spiritual warfare between demons, angels and good little Christians like myself was a major part of my daily walk. Later as I strayed from the flock, I would suffer years of sleep paralysis where I would call upon the name of "Jesus!" whilst doubting all that had been instilled in me.
Go to run. To be cont...
10-04-2017, 06:38 AM
Institutionalized Indoctrination. Meaning religion is only one facet of 'many forms' of limiting belief systems ['ideals'] within our society:
Excellent presentation.
10-05-2017, 03:35 PM
cont... Understanding sleep paralysis, goes a long way to alleviating fear. It also helps to understand the fear is the driving force behind limiting belief systems such as Christianity and Patriotic idealism. So it is that most people undergo a nightmarish experiences during episodes of sleep paralysis. Fact is we all have some form of sleep paralysis without even knowing. Most because we don't understand it. My Christian background is what made my episodes a terrifying experience.
Sleep Paralysis & Fairy Tails? There are two ways I am approaching this at the moment. One train of thought is it's nothing more than a chemical process open to misinterpretation. The other train of thought is to view sleep paralysis as a door way into realms that can't explained but only experienced. Whilst science has it's pros ... in the area of 'must have proof' it's as limited as fairy tails. Religion typically views sleep paralysis along the lines of demonic possession but lately is adopting a more scientific approach to dismiss and discourage true awakening. (Awakening in terms of illusion) The way in which more religions are turning to science also speaks volumes as to how new unearthings/discoveries highlight just how regurgitated that holy text is. In essence with each passing year, Bible is pretty much seen as fair tails itself. As such religions compromise on a whim this day and age. Even the pope is now budging to accept that life elsewhere in the galaxy no doubt exists. Go figure.
What is Sleep Paralysis? ... The Chemical Process: Go and google it. :) It is enough for me to say I understand it well enough and in the doing so now look forward to experiencing it as a means to an end!
Moreover I now understand much better the role of sleep paralysis with regard to OBE's/Astral Traveling-Exploration and how it can be used to make the transition into said realms that others refuse to beleive or simply write off as nothing more than a nightmarish place to exist.
I note in my last dream recording I posted in here ... I was having some kind of fit withing the dream. I can't help but think about the correlation of the chemical process taking place in my body. That phase where I am consciously aware whilst still asleep. Crossing over or going the next step ... into the next level ... is where I am aiming to be. That's what astral exploration is all about. Well it is for me.
...and that's the thing. WHY even do it? The intention really does seem to be the thing that makes or breaks the process ... or at least sets the outcome. DRAMA abounds with OBE's and likewise playing around. Some people do it to attack others, Some just want to escape without having understood how and why we are here and or have failed to learn from the suffering due to running in the first place. Perception is everything. The whole process of other realms (minus personal experiences manifested from one's system of beliefs [unpeel to heal! :))is REAL enough that many more people this day and age are turning to such practice of escape. But again ... escape is as limiting and rigid as systems of belief/ideals.
Yadda Yadda ...
At this point I am seeking it as one means of prepping for death! In doing so I am coming to see just how important this time here now is for the learning so that I don't end up being sucked back into this sad and sorry state? Need it be a sad and sorry state ... must I change that perspective in order that I do not come back? Hmmmm ... One need not be joyous and full of that worn out term ... LOVE. Although PEACE sits well with me.
The pros and cons are listed as well as the process on the NET. To be sure it's good to know that our being does not end and that indeed ... there is a method in which to take a break.
I've been doing the mirror approach to good effect. perhaps I write more about that latter as well. This whole process of OBE with the right intent is great for disconnecting and unpeeling all the BS with have been so conditioned with. Its really great for that!!!
I guess the title of this thread is more about the FEAR factor that plays into letting go. This can be said of any scenario not related to the tool box of Astral Exploration. I too now can see how the word travel does not cut it. la la la and a few more la's
There is a lot of healing to be had in all of this.
I'm looking forward to convulsing less. Smiles at such a thought and the misunderstanding that no doubt ensues.
Got to love these journal entries or whatever they be.
Until next entry ...
10-06-2017, 03:33 PM
I'd like to share the following book on Astral Projection. It's available online as a PDF however don't let that fool you; it's one of the best books ever written on the subject. It seems to have good reviews on both good reads and amazon, although as one might expect the topic is not follow by the masses. At least not just yet.
Use it wisely! :) (
I'm almost done with the first pass of this book using text to speech whilst out walking. About 4 hours although I have not been counting. Like most other intentions I expect I was taken this one in to the tenth degree as I did with the power of now. I ponder on the contrasts between those two subjects. Eckhart Tolle is careful when dealing with consciousness on such a level. As in when touching on sensory perceptions, inhabiting the body, outer experiences and so on ... he is careful when bordering into the realms of spirit in an esoteric nature. In fact, listening to his book again after taking another pass of this one would no doubt reveal more insights to the messages Eckhart is conveying. Interesting how the mind evolves like so and is why limiting beliefs hold so many of us back. As in if you don't understand it, "It must be the Devil!"
It is hard for me to remember, but I do remember whilst out walking yesterday with this book I was like ... "OHHHHH Yeaaaaaa Arrrrrrrrr" More and more pennies dropped as I kept listening to the monotone of the TTS voice revealing more and more of the txt with each step I took. BTW ... monotone voices reading aloud is a great way to take out an agenda as you digest the terms more relevant to your own world view without being influenced by inflection and likewise dramatic idiosyncrasies/techniques that we are constantly bombarded with - through various forms of media on a 27/7 basis.
Dream Scapes as explained towards the end of the book revealed more to me than a previous book I recently picked up which was dedicated to the topic of dreaming. So many dreaming books get caught up in telling others what every details means. My issues with such is that little is left for people to make up their own mind when being 'lead' like so and I put emphasis on being lead ... as in most cases ... being lead down the gardened path without actually taking the time to even smell the roses. Learning more about a particular process and how it correlates to the next is much more interesting to me: -
: - The above book actually does that between Lucid Dreaming then into OBE / Etherically so [+ the differences] and then taking the next step into the Astral Plane. The breakdown with Mind over Matter and then how imagination takes hold and relates with the Astral Plane was a section of the book that brought about many insights whilst out on my walk.
One of the biggest benefits for me out of all this is facing one's own demons:
In actually knowing I need to deal with the dark side of my own soul in order to eliminate running into those scary dark shadows.
I kind of need to diverge here as the 'collective' now comes to mind as explained in above book and how it is that 'emotion' is the element that imprints more deeply when it comes to creating various scapes / various worlds / various realms. It seems to be lack of understanding that leaves individuals vulnerable as well lack of practice in the various approaches to ensuring one is ready/protected when navigating in a conscious state within said spirit worlds. There where like Three Main Approaches ... Hmmmm ... accessing and processing ... Hmmmm ... I can't quite remember but will just say that imagination or ones ability to use 'visual' with 'emotion' are two elements that dictate how effective ... how long an imprint will hold. Imprint in terms of creating one's world.
Alas ... the thing I note here is how whilst dreaming we create our own worlds. (which I am open to the concept of still being open to influence in varioius ways too deep to discuss at this point for me) More so our world view often dictates the structure of our unconsciousness dreams, (influenced by personal experiences, predisposition and subjugation as related to the world of form) where in lucid dreaming (being conscious within a dreamscape) one has the option to express and path ways for the self. NOW (This being all my own froth and bubble) - The exploration of self as in Spiritual Exploration is what really makes or brake the journey itself. It is in this light that Eckhart Tolle's teachings come to mind for me. His teachings on self imo go a long way to addressing the 'Fear' to which in this world of form we have been so conditioned.
Coming back to the collective! BINGO That good old residual effect. Powerful Stuff! Energy and all that. Beyond the state of simply dreaming and Lucid Dreaming ... comes the next one that so many people on the next are 'TOYING' - the Etheric State → OBE ... I just say toying because so many enter into this with drama in mind. Bringing with them all the garbage they have previously been imprinted with. Their state of energy comes with.
THEN → heading into the Astral Realm. Man ... this one I am not quite ready to write about. Up to now I am just dribbling my own take on all this. I am 'dabbling' lol - Love You Mother Dearest :P hehe - If I could say one thing at this stage ... OR LEVEL ... Within the Astral Plane ... it's that I heed the warnings with respect to vulnerability. You are no longer in your own dream ... it's not the same as controlling your own realm ... your own scapes. I'm reading that in this plane there are many individuals floating about and all of them bring with them the energy from planet earth! In my book that's a LOT of negative energy. Taking in the lesson of thought and emotion leading to powerful impressions ... then if it's not hard enough dealing with one's own dark self/shadow ... imagine how spooky it would be bumping into the shadows of others?
ALAS - It's said that with understanding and of course more self reflection one's true self, that the fear factor can actually be overcome (it's just part of the process) ... thus one should not be put off. Where one chooses to focus is what really counts. Just like getting on a bike ... the more on practices the less daunting the process becomes. I think taking the drama out of it as I relate to such a term, yet retain enough emotional expression to create scapes ... but I am thinking without the need to create so much as in gelling with others who are content to observes what is ... more so in the next realm above the astral plain or the one above that or wherever the $#@! there is a world where not having to create is good enough.
Perhaps I'll end up painting some master pieces in a world where painting is not the be-all and end-all. Something like that.
That completes this mornings pondering.
10-07-2017, 06:47 PM
I must admit be book looses it for me when it gets wound up towards the end with dogmatic ritual ways. I can only see such as conflicting as any 'Bible.' A trap where one is imprisoned in a set of beliefs/RULES. You can only be successful if you follow "The Way' ... which conflicts with claims earlier in the book; with regard to limiting beliefs. I find the chanting becomes just another form of worship somewhat different to reverence and respect of nature and or the divine. I like the concepts of creating sounds and tuning in with that and If I was to call out a name, I will not do so to something I know not. (Chanting has its place ... but more like a song and must come from my own imagination kind of thing ... I'll deem what sounds come out from my mouth and not be told what I must. If I chose to worship ... it will that that comes to light within myself from myself, not some instructional book!) Drama ensues heavily towards the end of this book. That said ... I am totally open to creation and or creativity from one's own point of view and if to go it alone ... I'll surely not be caught up bending my knee to some cultish creed! That's just for me SHEEP.
You see, when I broke the mold ... broke my chains from the oppressive religion of Christianity, it seems foolish to adopt more LIMITING Beliefs. I must draw a symbol a certain way and then do this and then do that. I'm all for alchemy but only from one's own perspective. The whole thing on bridging the gap between the physical world to that of the spiritual need not be filled with joining some occult in order to think one's world will last or be safe from attack. MORE FEAR is just being drummed up with all this focus on Guides, Angels, and the like ... I don't mind the concepts of dark shadows being reflections of one's or another's intention, world view, Bias, Predisposition or whatever you want to call it; but once you start dumping dogmatic systems based on symbols that must be adhered to in the exact way - Narrrrrr ... that's just another prison point blank.
You don't need any of that to form a collective in order to consolidate on imprint for whatever intention. No doubt it's good for rounding up sheep and selling more books. Alas ... all the conflicts where still worth taking in if not to simply show me just how much I really don't need to adopt such things. It kind of validated what was already within - within me. I can see now why other spiritual teachers are careful when talking of various aspects of consciousness. I tend more towards the teachings of self as relates to echart tolle and jon kabat-zin as relates to mindfulness and deep states of mindfulness that then slightly alter course from said teachings, but pulls up short of sheepish cults that make whatever esoteric claims.
Hmmm ... Yea ... something like that. Be careful what you take on board. If you go down that route of "must do this way" then fore sure ... I guess those individuals will feel insure if not endearing to said 'rules.' The latter then brings up all the BS with Authority, Certifications, Secrecy and bla bla bla ... How can not the insightful see such as anything but limiting? Just another club mentality rife with fallibility.
YET - I still see a lot of insight in above book.
10-09-2017, 07:23 AM
OBE a rational explanation for those that require it:
10-10-2017, 03:13 AM
I think the previous YouTube link really hits the nail on the head. Four posts back up. The astral realm seem just like another place that's full of drama and distractions in much the same way we are caught in the here and now. Lots more to assimilate but all in good time. I can't help but think how powerful the opening statements are in that link:
I think I'll just let this guy have the last word and pick this back up in the other thread.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zz
Praying for yas Peeps. God Bless and all that ...
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