View Full Version : What do I say to work

10-02-2017, 02:44 PM
After waiting for a year, I finally have an appointment.
I told work it’s a personal medical appoitmnet, which they were fine about.

However I need to bring in proof.
Just by the name providing support they will know its mental health.(they said they cant remove that)

My doctors surgery said they cannot provide anything because it comes from a different company.

I need to go but don’t want work to know what can I do?


10-04-2017, 07:50 PM
We need more information. Are you afraid they will fire you or is it just embarrassing? Do you feel this appointment is very important to you overall well being?

10-04-2017, 07:55 PM
I am not sure I understand.

Mental Illness/Anxiety/Depression are all sicknesses just like any physical ailment and you are going to be treated by a medical professional, your place of employment should have absolutely no issue with this and as long as you have a note from the doctor you should be fine.

Most people in work are aware of my anxiety issues and me talking about it also got others at work that they have similar issues to talk about it.

10-04-2017, 09:04 PM
Mental health is treated just like any other illness. Don't play into the 'drama.' Otherwise your giving power to the stigma. Basically if you say nothing, then in all likelihood, nothing will happen. Although mental illness is commonly treated with General Practitioners, Stigma does not do much to help when it comes to freaking out over issues like these. Just hand in your paperwork and say nothing; otherwise your the one giving power to the stigma and you can be sure you will attract negative energy.

Hand in the paperwork and say nothing. Smile when you do! You did the right thing and have just seen someone about your 'problem' and now ready to go back to work. :)

10-05-2017, 08:17 PM
^Good reply, Ponder :)

Simsons - Be brave and “take one for the team” (us anxiety sufferers). I’ve quit jobs because the bosses have pushed me so hard I’ve had ANOTHER nervous breakdown.

10-08-2017, 12:38 PM
Anne1221 - Both, yes very important maybe even the most important thing i have ever done

NAJ - i know their illness but i dont think other people would understand and i don want them too either.

I cant afford to lose or quit this job.

10-08-2017, 04:28 PM
I don't know where you live but I do know there are some laws against discrimination. Maybe you can make a private appointment with your supervisor, be honest and tell them you would like to make this appointment, but in no way is your job performance going to be compromised. Tell them you want to be the best person you can be, and the best employee you can be. Just keep stressing that your want your job performance to be excellent (but then you have to do a really good job for them, which I believe you can do).