View Full Version : Why I feel there is something else wrong and not anxiety?

11-17-2008, 10:54 AM

Is this common.

I constantly think that I've some undetected serious illness and I'm wasting my time on anxiety. I feel I've MS, brain tumor or even heart related issues. Pain here and there will be always something major.

But then, my other mind will say that its anxiety...

I get confused and more anxious with these thoughts.....

How to get around these thoughts.


11-17-2008, 11:12 AM
Is this common??? I think this is probably the basis of like 95% of all anxiety disorders!!! There aint a thing wrong, honestly! Just accept it as anxiety and leave it there! Easier said than done i appreciate but try telling yourself its anxiety everytime you have these thoughts, and tell yourself that if it is anything more serious you'll deal with it...you'll be fine!

11-17-2008, 11:13 AM
When I first starting having panic attacks I wouldn't believe what the paramedics, consultants or GP's said. They all diagnosed me with having panic attacks and anxiety, but i wouldn't believe them because I kept on saying to myself im not a panicky person there must be something wrong with me, which would make me feel worse.

In the end, when a consultant told me after doing a test on my heart that there was no damage, I started to think well there right there's nothing wrong with me, and every time I got a sensation at the beginning i would tell myself in my head (no damage to the heart).
Once you start believing what they say thats half the problem gone, then just say to yourself when you get these sensations that it's nothing serious and isn't going to hurt me.
Keep reinforcing this otherwise you will never move forward.

loz x

11-17-2008, 11:26 AM
I feel the exact same way! I go back and forth between anxiety and some horrible disease like AIDS or MS. All these little strange things keep happening that have never happened to me before. Also I am hypersensitive to every pain and mark on my body. I'm obsessed with my mouth, I check it 50 times a day, to the point where my tongue and gums hurt. I truly hope you will be ok!

11-17-2008, 02:37 PM
I'm the same way...going through the MS worry right now.

Also scared of heart attack and stroke. I went to the ER a couple weeks ago because I thought I was having a heart attack. It was just a really bad panic attack.

11-17-2008, 03:30 PM

Thanks for your response.

Thanks "Evilbob333", I think I'll follow your rule:

"Just accept it as anxiety and leave it there! "

"and tell yourself that if it is anything more serious you'll deal with it..."


11-17-2008, 03:45 PM
I think thats the key to everything...cos at the end of the day if anything bad does arise we do end up just dealing with it, however terrible! We human beings are a lot more resilient then we give ourselves credit for! Best of luck!

11-17-2008, 07:51 PM
I agree completely. I use to have that problem and finally I convinced myself it was anxiety. I figured, once I treat my anxiety and get it under control I will be able to better sense if anything is really wrong with me. Not only that, but if the anxiety goes away, so will the symptoms with it. Hang in there, it is very likely anxiety. It can mimic so many other problems and cause such a wide range of symptoms.

11-17-2008, 08:40 PM
I feel the same way all of you feel. I am always worried that there is something wrong with me. Heart attack, stroke, tumors etc. The problem I have is if I didn't constantly fell terrible I probably wouldn't worry so much! How do we get to start feeling better so we don't worry so much............That is my question?? :roll:

11-18-2008, 04:30 AM
I feel the same way all of you feel. I am always worried that there is something wrong with me. Heart attack, stroke, tumors etc. The problem I have is if I didn't constantly fell terrible I probably wouldn't worry so much! How do we get to start feeling better so we don't worry so much............That is my question?? :roll:

hi peggy! there are lots of things that you can do to start feeling better :) for irrational thoughts like the fear of health problems you can look at therapy. i found it incredibly helpful. cognitive behaviour therapy is also highly recommended for helping with thought patterns and anxiety.

on this thread you can give a look at all the different types of things that you can do to start feeling better: http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4087

11-19-2008, 03:01 AM

Wherever I have had a panic attack I am now scared of putting myself into that situation, like driving or watching my favourite TV programme because I have had a panic attack doing all these things and if I put myself in them situations I kind of have phobia. I always think about the time I had a panic attack doing those things and end up getting myself worked up and worried and yet again having another one.
I am so scared that these panic attacks will stop me from doing everything that makes me happy as I will always have that constant reminder of the last time I was in the situation and I had a panic attack.
I have been referred to a therapist but wont get an appointment for about a month so I am taking Citalopram at the moment.

Can anybody help me overcome this?
