View Full Version : Horrible feeling

09-22-2017, 02:10 PM
I've been getting really worried the last few days, and have a horrible knot in my stomach and just feel sick all he time worrying about things.

How can I make this go away? I just want to cry and sleep.
I've not had my anti-depressants for quite a few weeks, and I've just started back on them now.please help.

09-22-2017, 09:48 PM
I've been getting really worried the last few days, and have a horrible knot in my stomach and just feel sick all he time worrying about things.

How can I make this go away? I just want to cry and sleep.
I've not had my anti-depressants for quite a few weeks, and I've just started back on them now.please help.

Be patient and give it a little time for them to kick back in, and you will feel better soon. If I quit mine, I cry a lot.

09-30-2017, 09:32 PM
Hi gemmatobin, If you can’t solve the things that worry you the way you want, look for another solution — at least temporarily. This will help you ease your worries.

10-01-2017, 03:00 AM
Hi Gemma,

I’m having a day of bad anxiety and I’ve managed to calm down somewhat by getting what I’m anxious about out into the open. I wrote stuff down, texted my mum and had a chat, and talked to a few people online. Anxiety absolutely thrives on isolation so getting things out of your head and onto paper or whatever can make a big difference.

Good luck and know you aren’t alone with the anxiety monster!

Gypsy x

10-06-2017, 05:01 AM
I stopped my meds for about two months and it was bad, back on now and all is well again.

Have your meds started to kicked in?
Are you feeling any better than you were when you first posted two weeks ago?