View Full Version : Need some advice on meeting new people

09-14-2017, 12:54 PM
OK I n=back in more way thane one, LOL. I am back on meds the time off of them had ups and downs with a major attack last November. it ruined a much anticipated vacation and at the moment I can never see my self going on another. But that's not why I am here...I need help. For the last 25 years I have had a core group of friends who at one time or another have had varied relationship status'. some single some married and vice versa over the years. The only ones whose status stayed the same was mine, I refer to myself as being terminally single. WELL GUESS WHAT!? Every last friends is now married or partnered up, I am very happy for all of them, however I find myself becoming a recluse, not by choice, in not doing or going anywhere as my partners in crime now have other commitments, as it should be.

Where do I meet new people? There are no new people entering my life.

I have had same job for over 25 years, live in the same backwater town I grew up in, and the city is just to far out to venture into on a regular basis.

It never bothered me to much to do things on my on until the vacation last year...ever since that melt down, alone trapped on a ship, I have become very unnerved by doing things alone. I used to be gym rat, but i have not been back in gym for almost a year, i cannot make myself walk through those doors.

I am thinking about asking the DR to up my meds.

Sorry this has been a bit of a ramble.

09-14-2017, 08:19 PM
First of all, you have got to get back to that gym! About a year ago I told my Psychiatrist that I was too afraid to go the gym and I couldn't do it and he said, "yes you can" and guess what? I did it. And each time it got easier. That is your first step. It will get you around people and out of the house. Sign up for any classes they have. Even if you don't talk to the others, you won't be alone, and who knows, you may find a new friend. My doctor would up my meds and tell me, "Go out there and do some things!" If you can do any volunteer work, or join any groups, do that too.

09-15-2017, 03:54 AM
You attract what you think. If your thinking more meds, then that's what you'll probably get. Whilst you claim your not a recluse by choice, I think it's fair to say that upping your dose ... "that's 'your' choice." Just like the doctor who can give you options, so it is with whatever advice you receive in here ... will that too ... is in the end ... your choice.

Just because your left standing by yourself due to others moving on, does not mean you played no part in ending up ... where your at. If you think upping your meds will help you get out your door ... then that's your choice. If you don't go back to the gym; that's your choice. If you remain to stay where you're at ... then that too is your choice.

Currently I hate the world ... that's MY choice. It feels good to own where we are at. Until you own it you'll always be asking others for advice.

Since your asking ... my advice is to own where your at. Once you own that you can move on and make choices that truly count.

What do you want? Can't get it? - Then choose something within reach. If all the advice you receive comes up with with a dead end ... then you might need to reassess if in fact your asking the right questions.

If you really get stuck I guess you can keep your line of thinking and up the meds.

Only you can choose to stay in that place your currently at or chose to move on ... It's your choice.

You tell us ... what things do you like to do? If you like the gym, then what is stopping you from going? Your currently line of thinking? Which going by your last post is to up your meds? Is there anything else beyond that choice that you have been considering?

09-18-2017, 01:40 PM
Thanks for the kick in the butt. I needed that. Seriously Thanks, I knew/know all of this, but needed reminding.