View Full Version : Thinking about getting a dog

09-08-2017, 05:20 PM
Not sure where to post this but figure here would be good. So recently moved 6 months ago with husband and been dealing with anxiety and not wanting to leave the house by myself and get lonely and depressed being home, by myself when husband at work so been thinking about getting a dog to help me feel better and get me out of the house. Was wondering has getting a pet help with your anxiety depression and get you moving and generally make you feel better.

09-08-2017, 10:50 PM
Yep. Just be sure to get one that your going to get along with. When you get a pet, you should be getting it with the intention to keep it for the duration of its entire life span. It's cruel to just get a pet to feel good but then only give it up only after a few months because things did not turn out well. I know because I have done it. :(

Pets have a lot to offer in the way of unconditional love, yet people treat them as mere 'animals.' They are so much more.

Research the breeds. Don't be too worried about cross breeds. It's more the owners and how they treat and provide for their pets that sets overall temperament when it comes to social dynamics.

If your renting though, pets will severely set back the options when it comes to relocating. Bread selection may be a factor as well as inside and outside pets. Keep that in mind if renting.

Dogs for sure make awesome companion pets! It's a huge decision though. Way too many people take it lightly.

Regretfully we did when we were younger and we have regretted taking on then passing our previous dogs on due to rental issues. It was very sad. We learnt from it and the next time we got one we have kept it for life. He is now 14. He has been with us through thick and thin as we have in turn done the same for him.

Wishing you all the best if indeed you do decide to try one on. Oh yea ... some places these days will let you try one on for size; as in take one home for a couple of weeks and see how you all get along. Not sure what places, but somthing I once saw on the box and thought was a good idea. Perhaps some animal shelters allow for such of thing.

Other may know ... hopefully you will get a few responses.

But YEA ... Dog and other animals help when it comes to companionship and companionship helps us all with stability ... no matter what kind of being.

Good luck.

09-09-2017, 05:47 AM
Mental illness sucks cos it ushers you into solitude. And the solitude doesn't really do you any good.

I've always found having pets around the house to be a help. I don't have a dog, but a cat. It's nice having another living creature here. Helps pull me out of my deep thinking. Plus it's really relaxing just to sit with her.

If I were in your shoes, I'd deffo be tempted to get a dog. As long as you're prepared to accept the long-term commitment and changes to your habits (like the regular walks). Maybe a friend or neighbour has a dog you could babysit for a day or two, just to see how pet ownership jives with you?

09-09-2017, 11:33 AM
I recommend you buy a dog so you can get rid of depression and insomnia daily and also that the dog is a friend and in very and you can train and rely on it in many things

The Intolerable Kid
09-11-2017, 07:44 AM
I find that having dogs lowers stress considerably. If you're ready to commit to the responsibility of caring for a dog, I would recommend getting one.

09-14-2017, 06:47 PM
Definitely been talking to my dad and my husband about it and both of them thinking it is a good idea as long as im taking care of it responsibility and all. I know that it is a lot of responsibility and all and I plan to make it work. Plus I will have this loveable furry friend to spend time with and help get me out of the apartment and hopefully ease my anxiety and depression. I have had a couple dogs when I lived with my parents, as well. So I know to fed them give em water pick up there poop and walk them play with them etc.

09-14-2017, 07:10 PM
Just wanted to say thank you all for your advice, I really appreciate it.

09-21-2017, 09:49 AM
I have a dog, a small one. He's unbelievable! We have had him for over 5 years now, and I recently started having anxiety again... and my dog has noticed. He cuddles with me a lot more now and pays attention to me, especially in the morning. He seems to know/understand when I need him close by. He's a natural! (He's also alerted my diabetic mother when her blood sugar plummeted...he's not trained for that, he just did it).

Dogs are amazing animals.

09-24-2017, 12:22 PM
I adopted a boxer girl and she helps me tremendously.. def not a cure but she’s a big motivation for me

09-25-2017, 10:50 PM
Hi Worriergirl,

Yes. Dogs can help immensely. The trick, though, is to get a dog that you would feel comfortable having inside your house and sleeping with. Otherwise, you won’t spend enough time with it for your anxiety to decrease. Beware that keeping 2 or more pets together can lead to a fight between them and they can end up biting you accidentally.

The Intolerable Kid
09-28-2017, 08:53 AM
ivanmiller is right - we have 2 dogs and they do fight frequently. We try to manage things so they don't attack each other, but sometimes dogs need to work things out their way. The best advice I have is to let them out into a fenced yard and wait until they resolve the problem and/or tire themselves out.

09-29-2017, 02:17 AM
I am planning to only have one dog no other pets. I think I might have found my dog I hope it is still there when I go first thing when the place opens. I'm so nervous and excited that I can't sleep.

The Intolerable Kid
09-29-2017, 08:25 AM
Good luck! I hope you get the dog you wanted.

09-29-2017, 02:23 PM
Get Bearded Dragons.. They're like reptilian dogs :cool:

09-30-2017, 11:10 PM
I went to the shelter to look at the dog I thought I wanted then I ending up seeing an older dog She is estimated to be 6 years old and I fell in love with her. She gave me kisses on my hand and jumped up in the cage to reach my hand some more. Yesterday she wasn't available for adoption because dogs need to be there for four days in case owner is looking for them. Today my husband and I went to go have a meet and greet with her and she is so sweet affectionate and playful. She rolled over on her back and begged for my husband to give her a belly rub. We kept petting her when I stopped for a second she nudged her head against my leg to pet her more and she even talked to up with a cute whimper sound. I kept thinking before that I wanted a puppy or 1 -2 year old dog but this girl looks and acts like a puppy she is so hard to resist. She is part Shih Tzu part Chihuahua. Mostly dark brown and white on her belly. She is so soft too. We adopted her after the meet and greet but don't get to bring her home till Monday because she is getting spayed, and treated for heart worm and ticks. We decided to name her Hershey because she has a sweet personality and she looks dark like milk chocolate.

12-15-2017, 12:19 PM
I wanted a dog for Christmas, but i was told ................... you can't have one, you'll have turkey like everybody else
Sorry. I'll get my coat.
Seriously now. I have wanted to get myself for a long long time. At least when i got home someone maybe there glad to see me.
What has put me off is, i'm here by myself. I thought if i were ever to have to go away, even if only for a day or two, or if i'm ever sick, who would take care of the dog, feed him and take him for walks. I can't think of anyone that i could ask.

01-03-2018, 03:22 PM
Hi i have 2 whippets there the kind of hound that love cuddles and walks they're very good comforting as all they need is love and are a breed that usaualy keep good health ive had several dogs over the years if you would like a dog to be devoted to you as the owner a border collie is a good choice they thrive to please to one the look at as the owner

02-22-2018, 10:09 AM
I have always wanted to get a dog. My friend has one, and it is adorable. Dogs can help us dealing with anxiety. We should all get a dog.

02-22-2018, 10:37 AM
WorriedGirl, congrats on adopting the dog. Obviously the girl chose you, so you ended with around 6 years old, Small dogs live have a very long life span, so you probably going to have her for another 14 years or so. It is so good of you to adopt older dog.
I do not own dog anymore, putting down my old one was too much for me. I am scared of that goodbyes so not , I enjoy very much when my daughter brings her dog (he is so cute havanese cross) for dog sitting :)
My anxiety was always a little better when my dog was close to me.