View Full Version : living with a mentally-ill parent

09-08-2017, 12:57 PM
i guess i'm just gonna delve right into this topic.

my father has severe depression and anxiety and he takes a lot of medication, and not just for his mental illnesses. i feel guilty for saying this but it is really hard living with him. he has bad anger issues, gets ticked off easily, and can be very, well, mean. he can also be very paranoid. about two days ago, my younger brother got into a lot of trouble. he was out with his friends for a long time until about 2:30 am and was not answering his phone. my parents got really scared and went to the police station. turns out, he was near our house at a gaming place with his friends. naturally, he got into huge trouble, especially with my dad. i was asleep when all of this happened but i feel as though it affected my dad more. as aforementioned, my dad is really paranoid and all and he thought my brother was kidnapped. and now, they're not speaking and my dad is really, really depressed. he's hard to talk to and he gets pissed off so easily. i understand this. i understand that it's out of his hand. he really does go through a lot. however, he has bad habits. for one, he takes out his anger on my mom. he begins to curse at her and says so many ugly things. and he has no right to. she does everything in this family and yet he treats her like absolute crap when his mental health is low. i feel guilty for feeling this way but he really needs to stop with his vulgar language.

his moods affect mine. i have now decided to attend therapy and i was diagnosed with anxiety. i had depression but apparently i no longer have it, which sort of confuses me because at the moment i'm in the "everything is pointless, life sucks, i want to die" mood. i'm sorry. when my family is in a bad situation, i overthink a lot. i cry a lot. i stress. my anxiety levels have elevated.

i just wanted to rant about this. it's been going on for a long time now. i'm sorry if whatever i said is wrong. i'd like to understand is all...

09-08-2017, 02:07 PM
Your the only one who can validate yourself, despite our desire to seek it from others. We can obtain any lable we wish, let alone defining them for others; however it's only ourselves that can define how we truly feel. That rarely happens when always relying on others.

Seeing a therpist can help you learn points like this. Good call on seeking help. Just don't forget your the one who has to do the work. So many of us forget this.

Keep writting.