View Full Version : What is the end result?

09-05-2017, 05:38 PM
I am new to this forum, but after my husband's death four years ago i have found myself in a state of anxiety attacks. My doctor referred me over to a counselor because i have ended up in a ER room several times. Next tuesday i am being referred over to a doctor to prescribe meds, i am told by my counselor clonipin is being recommended. Don't know if i spelled that right but hope you recognize it. I don't like meds or being dependent on them. Already on a antidepressant doxepin. What is the end result seriously i either stay on the meds or continue down this path?

09-05-2017, 05:57 PM
Hi Deanna,

Welcome to the forum.

Meds are a very controversial topic. Some buy into the chemical imbalance angle; others view anxiety as a lifestyle problem.

I think what most people agree on, though, is that if you do use meds, they are there to stabilise you while you work on your body and mind. That's where the real improvements are going to come from: making your mind and body healthy again.

The body stuff you can do at home. Eat well, sleep well, exercise, etc. Psychological health is a little harder to come by. It's recommended you meet with a psychologist regularly so he or she can help you find ways of dealing with your anxiety and any leftover trauma you may have.

Studies on anxiety sufferers have been done that show psychotherapy and medication produce the best results when used in tandem. If you use medication alone, there's a chance you could become dependent on drugs like benzos, which are hard to get off of, and you may find that in a couple of years your anxiety problems resurface as the root issues weren't dealt with.

09-05-2017, 06:40 PM
I am new to this, I have PTSD, anxiety and depression, I'm so nervous about taking medication for anxiety that I'm scared it'll make my heart race, I have 2mg of clonazepam but I'm so scared to take it because I took Valium and it made me sick, please advice me.

09-05-2017, 08:00 PM
Deanna, I have found the best thing is to find a good antidepressant that works for you and the right dosage. Doxepin is also called "Sinequan" and that's an antidepressant that's been around for years, and not one of the newer ones. See a really good doctor or psychiatrist who knows about all the medications. But if you do need to take Klonopin and you just have to have it, don't take it every day or on a regular basis. That way you don't get dependent on it, you just have it when needed. It won't kill you and you might have some side effects and they will go away but you don't know if it's going to be helpful or not until you try it. Just talk to your doctor and tell him you don't want to get tolerant or dependent on the Klonopin.

09-06-2017, 02:14 PM
Thanks for all of your input. I am just so stressed out about being stressed out.

09-06-2017, 11:05 PM
Welcome to this forum, girl.
I’m so sorry to hear about your loss and struggles. My heart ached as I read your post, and I wish I could give you a hug. Losing a special person in our lives is very hard, and the impact of such a loss is deep. The sorrow can affect us in many ways. Though I don’t have any advice about the meds, I said a prayer for you, and I hope that God will surround you with His comfort and peace. I’d also suggest that you see a grief counselor. Is there a support group in your locality? I know it’s not easy right now, but I urge you to stay strong. Please know that you can always come here to share your heart out and we’re all here to support you. Hugs to you!