View Full Version : anxiety / depresssion plz help

11-16-2008, 03:07 PM
Hi i dont know if you can help me . I suffer from anxiety and I dont go out. I went to cbt once but panicked through it all and since then i dont go out. I find it hard collecting perscriptions and getting shopping. i recently split from a partner i was with for for 5-6months. and i keep getting into rships and getting dumped because of my depression / anxiety. panic attacks and severe break downs take over my life and its destroying me. I cant sleep anymore , I hardly eat anymore. I get nagged from the jobcentre to go to an advisor interview and i just cant do it. I feel utterly trapped in this life. im always feeling suicidal. always having panic attacks. I want to settle down and be happy but i cant because of all this. I feel like nothing anymore and dont see much point in going on, but im trying to fight the last bit of my energy to get help.

I feeel soo weak, i have no real life friends i can turn to. please someone help :( this is killing me , I have self harmed since i was 15 and im now 23. I used to be soo care free and now im a no one without a life.

vixi84 at hotmail dot com

11-16-2008, 07:57 PM
please try to go back to a therapist and try cbt, its hard but you'll feel better and it will help so much in the long run.

12-06-2008, 09:12 AM
please try to go back to a therapist and try cbt, its hard but you'll feel better and it will help so much in the long run.

I agree, the worst thing you can do right now is sit at home. No matter how difficult the therapy may be for you, you really need to stick it out. That's the key to overcoming these problems, you need to leave your comfort zone - I know it's hard but it's the only way to overcome these fears.

You can do it, just take the first step and I promise it will get easier :)

12-10-2008, 04:33 PM
I jsut read your post. How are things with you now? Please realise that you are not alone. There are so many people who feel like you do. You can be helped and life wont always be as it is now for you. You are not a no one! You are as important as the next person and you are a person who is going through a tough time and you deserve to have a much better time. You deserve to get help and to get better. I wld make an appt with your doctor and tell him/her how you are feeling. Once you have the backing of your doctor and he is made aware of how you feel. the jobcentre will treat your case differently. Are you in the UK? You are so young and you can get help and have a good future ahead of you. It wont always be like this but you need to get that help and stick with it. I know from my own experience that reaching out and asking for help (CBT) and getting it was a big step in my recovery. I am again having counselling. It isnt easy sometimes but I know I have to go thro it to get better and it is worth it. Once you are feeling much better, than you will be able to work and meet new friends but for now concentrate on yourself and getting the help you deserve in order to feel better. Do you have any family you can turn to? Please let us know how you are. There are a lot of people on this site who can help you. Hugs....

12-11-2008, 03:43 AM
Please dont let me hear you say that s work again. I stuggle with the same thing you have man. I went to a huge open mall yesterday ( I totally freak out in these places normally) I felt fine i kept postive, say to your self your not going to beat me.. You really need to go back to the CBT, You need to face your fears and have a postive additutde man, Trust me if you go to the places you fear most time and time again and remain focused you will over come it.. Take a friend... Hope i made some sence.. Sorry if this doesnt work i am only 15 man im no doctor... Good luck. Pm me if you feel like you want to speak to me, i am going through the same thing.

07-10-2009, 04:28 AM
I have anxieties, and I went to the doctor, and yes it was difficult, but it just so happened that on that day the nurse was sitting around and asked if she could help, as the doctor was busy. Anyway, when the doc was free she went and spoke to him so that when I did see him he knew everything and I didnt really have to do anything. So maybe it would be a good idea to actually go see a nurse first, as it is less intimidating perhaps. Then she can articulate your problem to the doctor in medical terms.
Hope that helps. Once it is over you will feel great. Life is too short to run away from your problems.
You are not alone, I was diagnosed with part of that is depression and anxiety. At first, I was afraid to leave the house or go outside. I tried many, many, many, different medications because some would be effective for awhile, then my body got used to them and we would have to adjust amounts or try something else.

07-23-2010, 01:17 PM
I was in the same postition a couple of years back...

and I know how tough it can feel, you feel as if you don't know why you are living....

You feel as if life is not worth living...

You wish you could do the things that you used to do, but there is definetely a way to change it around...

Don't give up, you don't NEED HELP FROM ANYONE....

You need help from YOU, YOU have the power to change and you have the power to be the best of your being...

I recommend you use this amazing software, which i used to clear my anxiety, I constantly recommend everyone uses this for their anxiety, it's so pwerful and im still using it for other things!

download it FREE and get instant access below, and change you r life right now...

It literally take a few weeks for this to work some have said its taken a few days thats how powerful it is!

08-05-2010, 09:37 AM
Hey , I just got an email from a member on here and completly forgot I had posted on here and now looking back I can't belive I was so scared lol, well alot has changed since that post being it has been 2-3 years lol. Back then I was scared of alot of things, Buses - Due to panicking on one right at the start .. Dentists.. I was also scared of going out and getting ill and feeling trapped, Same thing with buses kinda.. When ur on one its hard to just get off anywhere because ur ill.. I never went to Cbt again, I never went to any sort of therapist but I did stay on the medication i was on that helped my Ibs / depression , sleep and anxiety

But other then that i helped myself.. At first i started trying breathing exercises.. 7-11 tecnique . 7 in 11 out. and it helped _alot!_ couple mths later i made a big step and had my partner move in with me in may/june 2009 ( he lived with me for 5mths but due to personal reason he went back to his mums in november and is still there while i try and hope he will come back.. but if he does it wont be till jan 2011 due to an operation he has to have :( ) But lets just say i was absolutly petrified when he moved in... I hadnt slept next to anyone in years or since I didnt have my anxiety, so when it came to early evening / late evening I was panicking alot.. Sometimes i would make him go for a short walk so i could calm down as my ibs would play up too and that made me feel awful , anyway short story. 1-2 weeks of that and tbh he hated it as much as i did lol but he helped me best he could.. after a couple of weeks i was 100% comfortable around him. And when he left in november it wasnt till Jan i realised my anxiety was gone. I started catching buses with mum into town to try and get over that fear and on the 3-4th occasion i started catching buses alone to mums ( need 2 buses to get to hers ) every week once a week and im comfortable with it now :) Then i went to the dentist , first i took anxiety tabs to ease the fear of going but then stopped taking them, I had 3mths worth of appointments and a very calming dentist .. Now i realise my fears of them were just silly lol.

I havent yet left my town yet but I will aim to do that sometime soon as me and parents have been talking bout going on holiday sometime

but there we have it :) I have an amazing partner who is now 500miles away again which aint great but he was there for me thru all my panicking and I thank him for my anxiety going.. and everything :)

How is everyone else doing after all this time?
( If ppl even remb this post :p been couple years lol )

Just thought Id update :)