View Full Version : Feeling out of place new surroundings

08-31-2017, 07:23 PM
recently moved to a new city with my husband. I have no friends here and it has been difficult because it has been my first move away from my parents. I miss my friends and my family. I miss my job. I am a stay at home wife I feel so ashamed and embarrassed that I don't have a real job. I have anxiety about leaving apartment and anxiety to the point I can't sleep afraid someone will break in but it is a safe area. My dad, says it is normal to be feeling this way because it is a life change but I don't know is it please give me advice. I feel like I'm not a good wife because I don't have a job to support my husband can't cook etc.

09-06-2017, 07:06 AM
I just moved away from my parents as well; I even live in a beautiful house across the STREET from them, and I am having major anxiety attacks. I also feel like I should love this move, but for me, I am missing the safety and laziness of home. I live with the love of my life, but I wake up every morning in a panic attack.

Have you spoken with your husband and told him your fears of letting him down? he is probably the only one that can help you see the truth: and if he loves you, his is the support you need. Feeling ashamed or embarrassed might not be needed here-- if you want to learn to cook, do something easy (or order from Hello Fresh or Blue Apron for prep-free meals). Does your husband WANT you to have a job? Do YOU want to have a job? Make small steps down the path of the life you want, and make sure that you dispel your worry from the reality of the situation.