View Full Version : Final End!

08-31-2017, 02:54 PM
Hi guys

I recently posted a thread called "Boyfriend Issues".

I gave my boyfriend a chance to make things right. I need see actions and not hear words. Which he promised he would.

Since then, he has made no attempt. He has more passion to spend his time using facebook talking to friends. Even after we started talking, he made no effort. I have gone out of my way to offer him out to places but no. He doesn't text me. In fact, he maintains he doesn't want a commited relationship. He wants someone who he can have a close friendship with as he doesn't have house shares anymore. He said, he is okay me referring him as my BF and isn't looking for other women.

So I decided to remain as friends and get on with my life.

Now without going too much into detail. The final straw came today.

A resident whose meds has been locked away for safe keeping due to wanting to overdose. Meanwhile staff are to observe the resident take their meds four times a day to safeguard. They attended a meeting and came back informing my ex-boyfriend that they can self medicate and staff are to give the key to them for their medication cupboard. My ex didn't think to check this with my manager who attended the meeting. He just went ahead and gave her the key.

Anything could have happened. She could have taken an overdose.

The scary part was, due to the lack of communication. I phoned management this morning to check about the meds issue. As she had a meeting, the resident sounded very convincing and cuz I knew my colleague had given her the key. I didn't think my ex could have made a mistake and so I trusted to give the key.

I checked with my manager later and she confirmed it had not changed and staff should maintain to observe. When I found this out, I was truly upset especially by the fact that if she did take an overdose. It would be and my ex responsible. It could have lead to something severely dangerous.

My ex remained laid back about it. I guess by his attitude, I had to raise what the ifs and buts. His reply was, he should have noticed and informed management.

I wonder where his brain is at. I feel so much guilt and stupid. I trust and should always do my best the right way.