View Full Version : After Niacinamide fill depressed

08-30-2017, 02:52 PM
I have some problems with iritability and anxiety.

I have tried citalopram and escitalobram without big results.

So i started to read and figure out that i should calm yourself. So i tryied valerian with wery good results.

To increase calmness i added to my drugs niacinamide 120mg twice a day .

It was great approach . After allmost two weeks everything was great.
Suddenly i felt little depressed.
Now i have foggy and heavy brain and i fill litle depressed but anxiety and iritability were gone.

I need to remove depression. I think that everything is conected with methylation cycle. In my opinion i was overmethylated and now i am undermethylated but everything is only assumptions.

I do not fully uderstund methhylation cycle.

Could You help me to uderstend why my brain is now foggy and heave and i have little depression and how to remove it ?
Maybe now i shuld increase methylation but how ?