View Full Version : Am I just tricking myself??

08-30-2017, 12:03 PM
Hi, back here again.
I have been seeing kind of glare-ish lights for months, infact I think I have seen them for years, and always thought it was part of my astigmatism (which I think it is). But I'm questioning if it is even that. I've been scared I've had cataracts or glaucoma, which are both unlikely due to my age and how long I've had it, but always there's that little voice in my head telling me that it is. Also, I'd like to ask a quesrtion - do any of you with an iPhone torch see colours around the torch close up? This scares me as I used to think these were halos and obviously that is quite worrying, but I don't think they are as it is not a ring at all. Just kind of emitted coloured lights, is this normal? Also when I put my glasses on and look at the torch it goes away and from afar (with no glasses) I can't see it. This causes no disturbance to my vision and doesn't distract me, so is this normal? It kind of looks like when you takw a picture of a bright light and you see colours. Is it normal?

08-30-2017, 07:03 PM
It can happen when you stare at a computer monitor for too long or looking at a dark setting after being in a brighter place, but it's not really something to worry about. Drink a lot of water and make sure you've eaten.