View Full Version : My neighbors hate me

08-28-2017, 08:26 AM
My Mom and I live in an apartment complex. The other day this kid kept on ringing our doorbell and running. Its super loud and scares my cat. I told the kid nicely 4 times to stop. The other kids he was playing with even told him to stop. When he didn't my Mom got angry and yelled that she was going to call the cops. Now everybody in the neighborhood hates us. We have never yelled at the kids before. We don't bother anyone, we keep to ourselves.I feel like they're condemning us. I went out to the store yesterday and some kid yelled at me from their porch, "why are you so evil?" I'm not. I don't hate kids. Now I don't go outside unless I have a hoodie on with the hood up. It's like 80 degrees outside. Were we in the wrong for yelling or something? I don't understand. But now I don't even want to go outside at all. I feel horrible.

08-29-2017, 05:54 PM
Hello and Welcome,
Did you have anxiety issues prior to this incident?

08-29-2017, 06:03 PM
Yes, I have PTSD and depression. I've had that since I was a teen.

08-29-2017, 09:18 PM
If you get a chance, you can say, "We're not evil. We just didn't want our cat to be scared." Other than that, do your best to ignore it and in time it will pass. Your mother just reacted to the kid ringing the doorbell so many times.
I am learning (the VERY HARD way) that as hard as I try, I can't please everyone and I can't get everyone to like me.