View Full Version : Abdomen Pressure with Anxiety

08-26-2017, 08:25 PM
Hi Everyone-

I have had anxiety for anumber of years and for the most part of been able to manage. I am a hypochondriac and always worry about my health and think the worse when i feel something new come on. Lately my abdomen has been very tight and feels like there is a lot of pressure there. Of course, my mind goes to the worse case like cancer. Has anyone had this as a symptom to their anxiety. Any advice on how to reduce the pressure? I am going to schedule time with my GI as soon as he is available, but most likely that wont be for a few weeks.


08-28-2017, 05:31 AM
I have both anxiety and IBD which have thus far been controlled well. It's best for you to see a GI but I don't think it's bowel disease because you're not experiencing bloody / mucousy stools.