View Full Version : IT came back

11-15-2008, 07:23 PM
Wow. I honestly thought it was gone. I thought I had kicked it.... only to have it come slam me back, hard and leave me trembling and afraid.

I haven't been here in many months.... I thought my anxiety was better. I think... no...I KNOW it isn't. Time passes too slowly, and I can't keep busy enough to distract myself. I really feel silly. I did...I honestly thought I was better. My counselor even stopped seeing me every few weeks...I visit her once every three months now. But....now....

I had an attack two nights ago, and I've been on edge all afternoon. I've felt like something bad is going to happen.... and I know what, but I dare not type it. I don't want to trigger an attack.

I can't be going through this again.... fuggin hell I'm scared.

11-16-2008, 07:40 AM
i know it can keep coming back, but each time should be weaker since we know nothing gonna happen to us right? I read we should expect panic attack to come back and welcome it - this way only it will go away for good.
I know also it's easier to say then execute...