View Full Version : Eclipse Worrier

08-24-2017, 10:08 AM
So to start off, I have OCD and GAD. I'm a constant worrier. On Monday, I looked up to the sky when it was cloudy and caught a glimpse of the eclipse. Maybe 1 or 2 seconds. I know I should not have done this and have beaten myself up for looking. But now I am worrying that I fried my eyes. I'm constantly checking to see if I can see things clearly. I see a digital clock is a little blurry and I obsess over if I did something to my eyes. I have a headache that I know is from my anxiety and overthinking.

Just looking for some support and anyone who may be in the same boat. Anyone??

08-24-2017, 06:30 PM
I had something like that happen to me in the spring, worried about blind spots, i found clear eye (eye drops for sensitive eyes helped me)

09-06-2017, 07:11 AM
Have you ever accidentally looked into the sun? The eclipse is not more powerful than the daily sun. I HIGHLY doubt that 1 or two seconds could cause permanent damage to your retinas. Think about it-- how may kids look into the sun on a dare, for even ten seconds? How many of us look at the sunset?

I also have OCD and GAD, and I even looked at the eclipse through a welding helmet. I found out that it was three shades too light, and I have been thinking the same thing as you! My eyes seem fine, however, and I bet you are just fine, too. :)