View Full Version : Bathroom Anxiety

08-23-2017, 06:47 PM
So, I have anxiety over excusing myself to the bathroom as well as using the bathroom when others around. Example: If I'm hanging out with my boyfriend and I have to pee, it will take me awhile to just get up and walk away. I can't say that "I have to go to the bathroom." What if I go out or go in a trip with him? I can't speak up and say anything until I'm really desperate. Plus, I'm pee-shy. I can't go in public bathrooms when others are in there. I can't pee at my own house if my boyfriend is too close to the bathroom.

What can I do to face this fear? Does anyone else struggle with this?

08-23-2017, 09:49 PM
I guess you can go see a professional and receive a prescription for drugs to relax you? Is pretty much what everyone else does these days.

OR - You could wait till you piss yourself and then you wont be so focused on what others think whilst in the future your aiming to stay dry the next time your looking for a place to take a leak.

OR you could find a tree not so public and or take one in your back yard.

Best I can think of for now.

Wishing you all the best.

Welcome to the forum. :)

09-11-2017, 03:06 PM
I also dislike people knowing my business in the toilet but only if its a 'number 2' :). There's nothing embarrassing about having to say you are going toilet or using it in a public place. If you are worried about the noise, chuck some tissue down the toilet before you use it, no-one will hear a sound, and you may feel a lot more comfortable.

03-04-2018, 02:27 PM
Start practicing to speak your mind and point out your needs in small steps. Build up by doing this every day. Having anxiety (http://naturalhealthevolution.com/index.php/2018/03/03/can-anxiety-cause-hair-loss/) about our needs is normal but we should never forget that that we are all human. And every human has needs. Try to improve just 1% per day....thats a very pace and you can do it. 1% a day means that, with time, you have improved A LOT!

Good luck!

Matthew Tweedie Anxiety
03-23-2018, 03:22 AM
You need a hypnotherapist to overcome your fear, search for a expert psychologist and have a few sittings with him and you feel better....do not take medicines try hypnosis

04-07-2018, 09:58 AM
Amberrose, one way to cope with this issue is to realize that everyone else has to use the bathroom as well.

04-07-2018, 10:12 PM
Have you tried CBD oil for your anxiety? It has helped me so much. I just put 7-8 drops under my tongue twice a day. I buy mine from happyonhemp.

04-19-2018, 03:47 PM
Usually, when people have these fears that they admit to be irrational, the anxiety has another cause and is displaced on to this more "appropriate" situation. So I wonder what else may be causing you anxiety in your life. Any sort of issues with your most important relationships?

It's worth considering...

04-24-2018, 01:10 AM
Better to consult a an anxiety therapist.

06-28-2018, 05:30 AM
Yeah. Professional will try to help you.

Campbell smith
08-29-2018, 03:16 AM
Exactly professional will help you and gives you right advice what is good for you..

08-31-2018, 01:27 PM
I definitely agree with the others here about seeing a therapist to help. They can be super helpful with helping you put things into perspective and learning new thought processes in order to overcome those tough moments. As a kid, I was the same way, I pretty much never raised my hand to ask to go to the bathroom in school. And never went at friends houses, public places, ect. Even at a movie theatre I couldn't. The thought of "all eyes on me" was huge.

In arguments I have always tried to see things from the other persons point of view, so I decided to use this strategy with anxiety as well. I thought "I'm worried everyone will look at me and think it's funny" but then I think "Wait...That's silly, everyone uses the bathroom, it's something we HAVE to do to be healthy." Then I think "Well....when I see other people raise their hand to ask to go to the bathroom, I don't really care, I'm just happy I get an extra moment to write down notes, or maybe I'm daydreaming and don't notice at all" Then realize that's probably most people as well.

I totally understand the feeling, but if your boyfriend had to use the bathroom at your house and you were nearby, would you care? Or would you just continue doing whatever, take out your phone and text, ect. Try an experiment: Try just not caring once, and just say "Bathroom be right back" and just go off and see if it feels as bad as you thought. Often it won't, as you repeat it more, you'll gain more confidence. If you for some reason try it and still feel super anxious, don't lose heart, baby steps! Tell yourself how good it would feel to not be afraid, and not let anxiety make your life harder.

The strength is there - declare war on these feelings - Become Gandalf on the bridge and tell those feelings they will not pass, shield yourself against its swing, and be reborn a new and brighter you :D

12-18-2018, 02:16 PM
the mirror
what is cursing me to be the ugly and the fat so that i can banish it
for a second after i wake up in the mirror i see a fairy prinses and a blubber sound and then a belly and double chin bounce on. im not being paranoid im scared of and hate my body

12-18-2018, 02:19 PM
im paranoid and all I can do is drink coffee but then im more axious and shaky

12-20-2018, 11:22 AM
im paranoid and all I can do is drink coffee but then im more axious and shaky

Caffeine multiplies my anxiety. I don't drink any of that crap anymore. It only makes things worse. If I were you, I'd ditch the coffee and stick to juices (or just eat an orange- natural energy) that won't elevate your heart rate so much