View Full Version : Can you get HIV this way???? So worried for some reason.

08-23-2017, 05:20 PM
So I was feeling a lot better this week and decided to go out for a night. While I was out I ordered a sandwich at a deli. The deli makes the sandwiches right in front of you. For some reason as this person was making my sandwich, I thought to myself, what if he is HIV positive and had a small bleeding cut on his finger or something. Now hypothetically lets say the person who made my sandwich is HIV positive. Can HIV be spread this way if I ate the sandwich like 2 minutes after he prepared it for me if there was a bit of blood on it or something!?!? There is no cooking or anything involved, he just makes the sandwich and hands it to you.

It may be a silly question, but I am freaking out about this for some reason. Like big time!!

08-24-2017, 09:27 AM
No. Your stomach acid takes care of that problem. But if the blood rubs on your open wound, if you have one, then it's a risk