View Full Version : Lightheadedness

11-15-2008, 07:13 AM
Does anyone know how I can get rid of this lightheadness, I do not notice it so much when I am laying down but when I sit up or walk it is bad. I so wish I could just lay on my couch all day but with a 1 year old that is impossible. Hope everyone is doing well.

11-15-2008, 01:04 PM
do you get it after you were laying down and you suddenly get up? that is pretty common.

11-15-2008, 01:29 PM
I have this a lot, do you have also weak/heavy legs/arms or just dizziness?

11-16-2008, 09:56 AM
No, I pretty much had it all day. Yesterday Morning I have had enough so I took a .25 xanax that they gave me and it seemed to help some. I was able to go to the grocery store for the first time in two months. Then last night when I got home and was putting my stuff up I get really dizzy again. I still have not received my test results from the echocardiogram but the tech said that everything looked good to her so all of these issues have to be from anxiety. I have had all the scans on my head, tons of bloodwork, been to the ent. The only thing anyone can tell me is that I have a central balance disorder and that my heart was beating to fast during my tilt table test. Of course my heart was beating to fast I was scared to death.

11-16-2008, 03:58 PM
Sometimes I get dizzy but it's because my blood pressure increases ten fold. The main causes of dizzyness are problems with the ears; possibly an inner ear infection. I've heard anxiety can cause dizzyness as well, but either way, i'm sure it's nothing sinister to worry about.

11-16-2008, 08:35 PM
I agree, I have been having headaches and dizziness for years. I thought something was really wrong with me. Within the past months I have really discovered that anxiety really can cause dizziness big time and even cause a lot of physical symptoms that can mimic many things. It is indeed very frustrating.

11-19-2008, 08:36 PM
I have dizziness all the time! For about 4 years now I think. It really is just anziety! I saw all kinds of doctors at first because I had the dizziness and no anxiety so i didn't put them together and really neither did the doctors. But they never could find anything wrong. Xanax helps me a little bit and I took elavil and it helped me too for awhile but has seemed to stop working. So I am trying a differnet med called nortryptiline it hasn't helked so far but I am hopeful!! I too have lots of dizziness when I drive and prefer not to drive out of town. I still do but I am dizzy most all of the way!! I have really tried to except and work through it but it still hasn't gone away! If anyone has any suggestions I would sure love to hear them!

11-19-2008, 08:38 PM
I have dizziness all the time! For about 4 years now I think. It really is just anziety! I saw all kinds of doctors at first because I had the dizziness and no anxiety so i didn't put them together and really neither did the doctors. But they never could find anything wrong. Xanax helps me a little bit and I took elavil and it helped me too for awhile but has seemed to stop working. So I am trying a different med called nortryptiline it hasn't helped so far but I am hopeful!! I too have lots of dizziness when I drive and prefer not to drive out of town. I still do but I am dizzy most all of the way!! I have really tried to accept and work through it but it still hasn't gone away! If anyone has any suggestions I would sure love to hear them!

11-20-2008, 04:05 AM
I have dizziness all the time! For about 4 years now I think. It really is just anziety! I saw all kinds of doctors at first because I had the dizziness and no anxiety so i didn't put them together and really neither did the doctors. But they never could find anything wrong. Xanax helps me a little bit and I took elavil and it helped me too for awhile but has seemed to stop working. So I am trying a different med called nortryptiline it hasn't helped so far but I am hopeful!! I too have lots of dizziness when I drive and prefer not to drive out of town. I still do but I am dizzy most all of the way!! I have really tried to accept and work through it but it still hasn't gone away! If anyone has any suggestions I would sure love to hear them!

have you ever tried acupuncture for the dizziness peggy?? well worth looking into :)