View Full Version : Anxiety gone - back on this forum after 2 years

08-22-2017, 01:11 AM
Hi everyone,

I was on this site 2 years ago when I developed severe panic attacks, GAD, depressive symptoms and bits of agoraphobia. Ive always been a shy person with social anxiety I would say.

To cut the story short it took me about half a year of time toward recovery and through making big changes in lifestyle I recovered completely back to my normal self. All my symptoms went away and I have been free and just like a normal person for the last 2 years. And during this time when I was recovered I felt amazing and at times even tried to induce anxiety which I never could.

the bad thing is I returned to my old habits - sleeping late, waking late, putting tons of pressure on myself to succeed, eating anything and everything (nothing healthy you know) in other words just went into how I was before I had anxiety and I FORGOT I ever had anxiety.

now going back about 10 months or so my mother became very ill and was bed ridden. as my other family members were working and at the time I had just left my job a lot of the looking after of here was passed on to me. I began looking after her from 9am - 6pm and sometimes even after 6pm I was looking after her and having huge responsibilities. on top of this i returned to my bad lifestyle as i said above and was playing hardcore sports and I know I was over exercising at the gym etc. my day was crammed full of things.....

this went on for about 3 or 4 months of me doing hardcore work at home and I because I had recovered I had forgotten that I had ever had anxiety in the past. my mothers illness also was very emotional for me and i was feeling like I'm going to loose my mother. she was not getting better and she would cry all day long and i was the only one there during the day with doing everything for her.

i slowly started burning out, extreme fatigue began to set in, the brain fog, the funny heavy head and eventually anxiety and all the symptoms like trouble falling asleep waking in the middle of the nights, waking up tired, killed motivation, depressed feelings. fortunetly i didn't have panic attacks this time and the anxiety has been much less in its severity. anyway this has been going now for a few months.

it has been bad but my mum has now recovered really well thank god. but my anxiety and my body feels so weird.... like i feel like I'm getting better again but everyday is like a mixed bag. generally i feel good in the morning free from any symptoms, then mid afternoon i get really irritable and anxiety begins to creap in, then at nights it calms down again, when i get in bed my mind races sometimes, have trouble sleeping some days better then others.

and idea what i might have? does it sound like a case of post traumatic stress disorder that's bought out all my anxiety to surface again. for example planes don't really scare me when i think of them. but ever since my anxiety resurfaced the feeling of being in a plane and being trapped in there gives me anxiety again. and just funny thoughts enter my mind now that when I'm good wouldn't even have affected me....

would love your amazing peoples thoughts on this. you guys helped me last time!!

i have always been medication free and since i overcame everything which seems like it was much much more severe a few years ago. it helps to know that with strict lifestyle changes it helps me knowing that i can do it again and recover fully and this time not fall back into bad habits.....

jon mike
08-25-2017, 12:09 PM
Hey I'm sorry to hear it's come back. Im in a similar situation myself after a 5 year break! I'm in the process of re-educating myself all over again. I'm winning, it sounds like you are too. Don't to be too hard on yourself. Be kind to yourself again and it will pass. That's what I'm doing. Sorry not much time to chat at the minute

Hi everyone,

I was on this site 2 years ago when I developed severe panic attacks, GAD, depressive symptoms and bits of agoraphobia. Ive always been a shy person with social anxiety I would say.

To cut the story short it took me about half a year of time toward recovery and through making big changes in lifestyle I recovered completely back to my normal self. All my symptoms went away and I have been free and just like a normal person for the last 2 years. And during this time when I was recovered I felt amazing and at times even tried to induce anxiety which I never could.

the bad thing is I returned to my old habits - sleeping late, waking late, putting tons of pressure on myself to succeed, eating anything and everything (nothing healthy you know) in other words just went into how I was before I had anxiety and I FORGOT I ever had anxiety.

now going back about 10 months or so my mother became very ill and was bed ridden. as my other family members were working and at the time I had just left my job a lot of the looking after of here was passed on to me. I began looking after her from 9am - 6pm and sometimes even after 6pm I was looking after her and having huge responsibilities. on top of this i returned to my bad lifestyle as i said above and was playing hardcore sports and I know I was over exercising at the gym etc. my day was crammed full of things.....

this went on for about 3 or 4 months of me doing hardcore work at home and I because I had recovered I had forgotten that I had ever had anxiety in the past. my mothers illness also was very emotional for me and i was feeling like I'm going to loose my mother. she was not getting better and she would cry all day long and i was the only one there during the day with doing everything for her.

i slowly started burning out, extreme fatigue began to set in, the brain fog, the funny heavy head and eventually anxiety and all the symptoms like trouble falling asleep waking in the middle of the nights, waking up tired, killed motivation, depressed feelings. fortunetly i didn't have panic attacks this time and the anxiety has been much less in its severity. anyway this has been going now for a few months.

it has been bad but my mum has now recovered really well thank god. but my anxiety and my body feels so weird.... like i feel like I'm getting better again but everyday is like a mixed bag. generally i feel good in the morning free from any symptoms, then mid afternoon i get really irritable and anxiety begins to creap in, then at nights it calms down again, when i get in bed my mind races sometimes, have trouble sleeping some days better then others.

and idea what i might have? does it sound like a case of post traumatic stress disorder that's bought out all my anxiety to surface again. for example planes don't really scare me when i think of them. but ever since my anxiety resurfaced the feeling of being in a plane and being trapped in there gives me anxiety again. and just funny thoughts enter my mind now that when I'm good wouldn't even have affected me....

would love your amazing peoples thoughts on this. you guys helped me last time!!

i have always been medication free and since i overcame everything which seems like it was much much more severe a few years ago. it helps to know that with strict lifestyle changes it helps me knowing that i can do it again and recover fully and this time not fall back into bad habits.....

08-29-2017, 01:34 PM
I've been there recently too! Started back at therapy and started back on medicine. Have you talked to a doctor or professional yet? It's good you're able to recognize what's going on!

jon mike
08-30-2017, 11:18 AM
Mine came back in February. The hardest part for me was the dissociation symptoms because of it, i.e derealization, depersonalisation, the utter hellish madness........
It came as such a shock to me. I basically did what you did and forgot i ever even had anxiety issues. I mean there was always moments but nothing that i couldn't handle.
Anyway that started in February.
I've started exercise, eating well, I've stopped watching myself and all my symptoms, I've stopped wishing it away and just let it happen, I've also stopped trying to feel relieved when it has subsided. This has put me into a much more stable position. This is the only actual way you can with it.... Accept it and anything it throws at you. Do not run away or panic or distract yourself. Sit in the moment and let it happen and know nothing worse than what is already happening to you will happen.
Educate yourself on the subject, take an interest in what is happening to you.
The more I learn about the amygdala and the cortex the better i am feeling.... Everyday is better.
Download an audio book called how to rewire your anxious brain and listen to it on your commute, lunch break or whenever you have time.
It's so simple when you know what to do..
Don't get me wrong it's not easy but it's way easier than feeling like shit for years on end like i have done so many times before.
Accept your prone to anxiety and live your life again.
It's really no big deal when you get it down to a managable level i promise you.
Good luck

09-10-2017, 02:59 AM
I've been there recently too! Started back at therapy and started back on medicine. Have you talked to a doctor or professional yet? It's good you're able to recognize what's going on!


Its good to know that people are going through similar things. Ive never been to therapy ive considered it but never been. Never talked to anyone about it the first time and never did this time either. My family pretty much wont understand...

Yeah i Definetly recognise whats going on. I onow its always overwork and a really bad lifestyle that brings it on.

But i know what i have to do and i have made amazing strides, im doing so well and the layers are coming off slowly. I am seeing progress day by day its starting to go away and my confidence is getting better.

When it comes back it really knocks you down doesnt it. But i know now that ill try my hardest to not return to old habits.

Ive quit caffiene altogether and all types of junk food. Been eatimg really healthy, smoothies with protein, fruits veges, prawns chicken fish, multi vitamins, fish oil, salads, herbs, lots of spices etc. Stopped all the "artificial chemical shit" if you know what i meen. And i am now seeing such good benefits. 3 months ish doing this since my anxiety returned and alot of is going away slowly.

Just worried how ill deal with it in the future once i get married or when i have children... Something that makes me a bit sad thinking about.

How are you doing?

09-10-2017, 03:11 AM
Mine came back in February. The hardest part for me was the dissociation symptoms because of it, i.e derealization, depersonalisation, the utter hellish madness........
It came as such a shock to me. I basically did what you did and forgot i ever even had anxiety issues. I mean there was always moments but nothing that i couldn't handle.
Anyway that started in February.
I've started exercise, eating well, I've stopped watching myself and all my symptoms, I've stopped wishing it away and just let it happen, I've also stopped trying to feel relieved when it has subsided. This has put me into a much more stable position. This is the only actual way you can with it.... Accept it and anything it throws at you. Do not run away or panic or distract yourself. Sit in the moment and let it happen and know nothing worse than what is already happening to you will happen.
Educate yourself on the subject, take an interest in what is happening to you.
The more I learn about the amygdala and the cortex the better i am feeling.... Everyday is better.
Download an audio book called how to rewire your anxious brain and listen to it on your commute, lunch break or whenever you have time.
It's so simple when you know what to do..
Don't get me wrong it's not easy but it's way easier than feeling like shit for years on end like i have done so many times before.
Accept your prone to anxiety and live your life again.
It's really no big deal when you get it down to a managable level i promise you.
Good luck

Hi, thanks for the reply,

Yeah for me in both cases came on due to too much work or responsibilities and not having the skills to manage them. Im a perfectionist and i try do everything as fast as i can. I never slow down. From driving my car to getting things done in the day. From my expectations of myself. I really worked hard on many different things the first time and overcame it all.

You absolutely right we forget how bad we were and as soon as we get better we stop doing the things which helped us get better. This time i WANT and WILL make the lifestyle changes a permanent one so that anxiett never ever returns again.

Its all about facing your fears, enjoying life, doing pleasurable activities and not beeing so serious. Having lots to do but prioritising the important things over the nonimportant.

But having been through worse i sort of knew how to get through this time although it has been extremely tough.

Yep have you read the book anxiety free by phil david? It is amazing. Ill try check out the one you mentioned.

Yep. Me too i find my diet plays an enourmous part in giving us anxiety. Like i said in my reply above ive dropped all caffiene and all chemical junk foods. Just gone back to all the organic foods and its done wonders in helping me recover.

Ive made some great progress since ive last posted as well. But will keep checking in until all the entire anxiety is gone once again and im back to normal.

Just scared a bit about the future imagine if anxiety comes again when im married and have children how will i deal with it then. I know its a stupid thought and a "what if" but just gets me down a bit.

How are you doing? I find getting out about, nature activities, walks, positive thinking, mindfulness, being aware of your thoughts, eating well, sleeping well, vitamins, fish oil, greens etc, playing sports with friends, just enjoyment and facing fears really helps kill anxiety.

How are you doing? How many years did your anxiety come back after?

jon mike
09-10-2017, 01:23 PM
Hi, thanks for the reply,

Yeah for me in both cases came on due to too much work or responsibilities and not having the skills to manage them. Im a perfectionist and i try do everything as fast as i can. I never slow down. From driving my car to getting things done in the day. From my expectations of myself. I really worked hard on many different things the first time and overcame it all.

You absolutely right we forget how bad we were and as soon as we get better we stop doing the things which helped us get better. This time i WANT and WILL make the lifestyle changes a permanent one so that anxiett never ever returns again.

Its all about facing your fears, enjoying life, doing pleasurable activities and not beeing so serious. Having lots to do but prioritising the important things over the nonimportant.

But having been through worse i sort of knew how to get through this time although it has been extremely tough.

Yep have you read the book anxiety free by phil david? It is amazing. Ill try check out the one you mentioned.

Yep. Me too i find my diet plays an enourmous part in giving us anxiety. Like i said in my reply above ive dropped all caffiene and all chemical junk foods. Just gone back to all the organic foods and its done wonders in helping me recover.

Ive made some great progress since ive last posted as well. But will keep checking in until all the entire anxiety is gone once again and im back to normal.

Just scared a bit about the future imagine if anxiety comes again when im married and have children how will i deal with it then. I know its a stupid thought and a "what if" but just gets me down a bit.

How are you doing? I find getting out about, nature activities, walks, positive thinking, mindfulness, being aware of your thoughts, eating well, sleeping well, vitamins, fish oil, greens etc, playing sports with friends, just enjoyment and facing fears really helps kill anxiety.

How are you doing? How many years did your anxiety come back after?

I've had a real journey with it if I'm honest. It started when I was 16. I had what I no now was a panic attack. That set me off with anxiety until I was 32!! The problem was I didn't no what it was or try to get help. I found out it was anxiety by accident when a friend asked me what was up.... I broke down (not something I do) and he took convinced me it wasn't any kind of mental illness only anxiety. I had CBT after seeing a gp and was mostly free from my hell until this February after I went out on a mad hell bent all day bender... I'm now 39.. I woke up and it got me like a ton of bricks and I've been there since.... I'm currently so much better than I've been. A working progress once again. Haven't had a beer since February, I've just done a 10k race today 😂 I'm doing all the things your doing. Don't worry about the marriage thing. I'm married and my wife is the most important thing for me. Marriage is not being trapped. I'd feel trapped if I wasn't married if I'm honest. I suppose it helps when you've married the right one 😆😆

09-16-2017, 01:18 AM
I've had a real journey with it if I'm honest. It started when I was 16. I had what I no now was a panic attack. That set me off with anxiety until I was 32!! The problem was I didn't no what it was or try to get help. I found out it was anxiety by accident when a friend asked me what was up.... I broke down (not something I do) and he took convinced me it wasn't any kind of mental illness only anxiety. I had CBT after seeing a gp and was mostly free from my hell until this February after I went out on a mad hell bent all day bender... I'm now 39.. I woke up and it got me like a ton of bricks and I've been there since.... I'm currently so much better than I've been. A working progress once again. Haven't had a beer since February, I've just done a 10k race today  I'm doing all the things your doing. Don't worry about the marriage thing. I'm married and my wife is the most important thing for me. Marriage is not being trapped. I'd feel trapped if I wasn't married if I'm honest. I suppose it helps when you've married the right one 

Mine started when i was 20ish.. I recovered and was free for 2 years. Now im 23 and its come back although not as strong.

For me its weird like my mum is much better now but but i somedays i feel like im an 80 year old man. Like the anxiety levels have significantly reduced, insomnia is gone. but this constant fog seems to come and go through the day. My energy levels feel extremely up amd down.

I really feel hypoglycemic... Eating gives me energy again and the brain fog sort of lifts off.

This last week ive been really good but then i had a few busy days and yesterday and today ive been fatigued again... I feel like i cant take any pressure or stress.... Perhaps im burntout and anxiety was a form of release as well..

Do you guys feel like this as well? Like i have no panic, anxiety is mostly gone having been gping through recovery for the past 5 months. Insomnia is gone.. Just my energy levels havent returned back to normal and i have these headaches (heavy head) that are on and off

I have good days and bad days its weird.. Suppose its a sign of recovery righg. Just need to get through and forget the bad days

jon mike
09-16-2017, 10:14 AM
Ye a sign of recovery is about right.
I go on another site called panic end.com
There's lots of free info on there and a helpful forum.
The guy who runs the site an promotes his book is also on the forums.
We will get there. I'm on my 7th month of this crap. But it's going slowly.

QUOTE=struggling1234;241988]Mine started when i was 20ish.. I recovered and was free for 2 years. Now im 23 and its come back although not as strong.

For me its weird like my mum is much better now but but i somedays i feel like im an 80 year old man. Like the anxiety levels have significantly reduced, insomnia is gone. but this constant fog seems to come and go through the day. My energy levels feel extremely up amd down.

I really feel hypoglycemic... Eating gives me energy again and the brain fog sort of lifts off.

This last week ive been really good but then i had a few busy days and yesterday and today ive been fatigued again... I feel like i cant take any pressure or stress.... Perhaps im burntout and anxiety was a form of release as well..

Do you guys feel like this as well? Like i have no panic, anxiety is mostly gone having been gping through recovery for the past 5 months. Insomnia is gone.. Just my energy levels havent returned back to normal and i have these headaches (heavy head) that are on and off

I have good days and bad days its weird.. Suppose its a sign of recovery righg. Just need to get through and forget the bad days[/QUOTE]