View Full Version : Anxious about EVERYTHING

11-14-2008, 01:48 PM
coming back from vacation over the summer, I was carefree, easygoing, completely living in the moment, things were relaxed and going well. Ever since the weather started getting bad end of September, however, things have just been getting out of hand. First it was fatigue, not wanting to do much with my day, not wanting to see people, but I still had my confidence. It escalated into what it is now, constant worrying about every aspect of daily life: anxiety about studying, going out in public, doing any task that involves effort (even laundry, shaving, and making frozen food), anxiety about talking to the opposite sex, anxiety about which person of the opposite sex to actually go for (i.e. will it be the best choice? Will it be worth it). This has sent me into a downward spiral of depression, feeling like an utterly worthless failure, who at almost 20 years old has amounted to nothing, even though I attend one of the better universities in the country, take pretty hard classes, am good at playing music, and have been told by older people that I am actually that smart. I have had beautiful and intelligent partners in the past, but all this and the above do nothing to convince me of having any worth. I understand now that it must be all in my head, but I occasionally do get that feeling that ending it would put an end to this, even though I know I wont act on it. I can't do this anymore, it is interfering with my education, my social life, and my well being. While I am seeing a counselor, i feel once a week is not enough. Please feel free to sympathize, suggest any coping strategies that have worked for you, relate, sing along, or just merely read. Thank you all in advance.

11-14-2008, 01:57 PM
I don't have anything to tell you to help you but I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone.

11-14-2008, 02:50 PM
we are a lot alike darklight. i often worry that i'm not doing enough good for the world and that i don't amount to anything, even though i do well in class and in music... i feel like a failure.

just remember that you're young still. you have plenty of time to do what you want to do in life. the world will wait. :) so for now take a deep breath. you're going to be all right.

11-15-2008, 12:05 PM
I feel ya darknight. you sound a lot like I used to be. The good news is there is hope and if you have self discipline you can get yourself better in a matter of months. I was in a CBT group and it has changed my life. My anxieties are under control and my self -esteem is at an al time high now. You may want to read the book called Been There, Done That? DO THIS! by Sam Obitz and start doing the exercises in it. It's simplified CBT and it really does work. You will learn to think more objectively and less emotionally and that will change the way you experience life and eliminate most of your anxieties. Hang in there your whole life is in front of you and you will get better :D

11-29-2008, 02:47 PM
I have found the solution to my main problem:
30 minutes of 10,000 lux light every morning

01-18-2009, 06:31 PM
Great to hear you found a solution darknight!

03-24-2009, 01:50 PM
How come I got a reply notification for this thread but as far as I can see my post was the last one on here? Did it get deleted?