View Full Version : Mental Health Chatrooms

08-11-2017, 09:40 PM
If your looking for a Chat Room you can try the following link:

Below is an embedded table directly from the link above as refreshed when I visited with at that time over 240 people chatting:


Anxiety and Depression seem to have a lot of activity. I was told that the place is adequately moderated with an age range that is varied. Please note that I only found this place prior to making this post. I cannot valid said claims. My initial impression is that as far as chat rooms go, the above board would seem to facilitate what many in here have been wishing for; re this forums inactive chat room.

I hope this helps.

08-14-2017, 12:17 PM
This is a great resource. I dunno if there are any mods around, but it'd make for a useful sticky.

08-14-2017, 02:15 PM
I sometimes use chat to practice being social. I also find it picks me up when trying to speak with a hopeful tone. Can be a great place for both peer interactions from both reaching out and giving a hand. Great for peer support.

09-04-2017, 12:31 PM
Looks like a nice resource.

09-19-2017, 02:34 PM
If chatrooms are helpful for those trying to overcome mental illness, then I'm all for it.

09-22-2017, 05:42 PM
Just wanted to say that I have been frequenting the chat forum above and it really is helping to lift my spirits when they are low. Just saying is all. :)

salvator here
11-29-2017, 10:47 AM
Might try it out. I usually don't do well in chat rooms though. I'm too shy and not quick or witty enuff. Usually get ignored.

02-21-2019, 01:15 PM
I've been on forums many times before. But I've never been on a chatroom before.

What do think of mental health chatrooms? Do like them as much as forums?

05-19-2019, 01:17 AM
I think that the problem with a lot of chatrooms or fb groups is that people complain there too much instead of lifting themselves up... We should share our successes so we can go forward and not stand in the same, bad reality...

07-15-2019, 06:32 PM
I have participated in healthful chat, the board referenced above. There are good things about it Active participation and pretty friendly. Also geographic and age diversity. But it tends to be largely off topic casual chat so maybe not the best place for serious advice on mental health challenges. Still it is worth checking out.

07-29-2019, 02:13 AM
It's up to you what you focus on. I feel people have the right to talk about whatever they wish. It's not for others to say one way or the other. I would say it is the criticisms of others that leads other's to complaining in the first place. You want to go in holding others up, then do so by not telling others how this of that place should be run. If your in a depression room, then expect people to be depressed. If your in a bipolar room, then expect it to go either way. You choose what you say, but don't be choosing it for others.

07-29-2019, 06:44 AM
I went there but as soon as I seen asking for donation, it is not for me , that's for sure

07-29-2019, 12:16 PM
Dahila, I noticed that. But it seems pretty much everyone just ignores the request. I have been participating a fair amount there. It has good people and is quite active, pretty much any time of the day or night. I don't really understand Ponder's message above, but if he is saying that people should just type what they want, I guess i agree with that, at least within the bounds of decency.

07-29-2019, 03:50 PM
Yeah I had problem when I see question about donation. Everywhere I go they want money. I believe you it is a good place. I think Ponder says that there is many options to chose from on that chat room. Chat is good when there is two or three people, Beside typing (I am not slacker) you need to read what people saying. It needs time to adjust to speed and focus only on some people . Not bad at all. hheeeeeeeeeee
I just remembered ; when we chat Ponder and I it looks like the chatroom but we know each other and we can switch topics and follow the conversation. It is just 1 to 1.

salvator here
07-29-2019, 06:40 PM
I also have an issue with places that ask for donation since I have bills that need to be paid that I cant afford. I was able to enter that anxiety chat room just now without creating an account so that is good I guess. Feels anonymous enough. Looks like people try to talk over each other from what I see and that puts me off a bit. Maybe its just me though, I'm too timid. I don't usually do well chatting unless I know what I'm going to say ahead of time. Turns into just typing "LOL" all the time.

Haha.. LOL :D

07-29-2019, 07:47 PM
Sal have you chat with Ponder? I know you never chatted with me. You would probably lose your shyness, Maybe you should try. English is my second language and I am kind of shy to chat with people. Only Ponder seems to understand me perfectly, but he had a tough life and is very empathic . Try to talk to any of us Sal. I know enough about you no to make you more timid that you already are. You kind like me, shy on public chats :)