View Full Version : Opinions on SNRI

08-08-2017, 06:56 PM
Hi everyone, I'm concerned as to if I should be taking this medicine or not and i'm really scared!
My condition is strictly Anxiety, I have no depression or any of that its strictly anxiety. My worst symptoms is my heart races a lot which I think is
what norepinephrine is suppose to do whenever you have a *FIGHT OR FLIGHT* encounter. Now if a SNRI is suppose to raise this particular chemical
wouldn't my anxiety be even worse?? I hope to get more opinions on this and the medicine is Effexor

08-08-2017, 07:41 PM
The Effexor should help your anxiety quite a bit. Just give it time. Your doctor can explain it to you how it works. I only have anxiety too, and I took Effexor for a while, and although it helped my anxiety, it made me feel tired. They all too, but I have found the Lexapro has the least side effects.

Boo Bass
08-09-2017, 06:23 AM
The Effexor should help your anxiety quite a bit. Just give it time. Your doctor can explain it to you how it works. I only have anxiety too, and I took Effexor for a while, and although it helped my anxiety, it made me feel tired. They all too, but I have found the Lexapro has the least side effects.

Effexor is very good for anxiety, I had 7 years anxiety free

08-14-2017, 05:00 PM
Christopher, your doctor should explain how it works, like Anne said. And if he or she doesn't do a good job of explaining it, be assertive and insist that you have the right to know.

08-22-2017, 01:17 AM
my mother had really bad anxiety severe due to a post traumatic stress and she was put on lots of meds that didn't work. although i haven't takin Effexor my mum is on 250mg of it daily and it returned her completely back to normal. only thing is she gets tired in the afternoon but that's only fair because shes like 65....

i don't take any meds for my anxiety and with strict lifestyle changes have completely overcome it. you should read a book called at last a life by paul david