View Full Version : ANYONE...ANXIETY..

11-14-2008, 09:23 AM
Hi All,

I get the feeling like my diaphragm ( if that’s what its called. )in my chest is enlarged and its there all the time, and it feels that that is what restricting my deep breath. Anyone had this?

I have not logged in for a bit, because I didn't have my laptop. However my anxiety is back, as bad as every. I am pacing the house trying to get that deep breath all of the time, I tried quitting smoking and did so for 2 weeks but NO it still came back, so i started smoking again. I went to my Doc explained I still feel bad, he said ok, have an endoscopy .something in your stomach could be the cause of the anxiety .

So peeve with this....

11-14-2008, 01:05 PM
Hi Jenn,

I ran across this forum while doing online research and wanted to offer some assistance. What you are experiencing is a normal symptom of a panic attack.

Please consider signing up for the e-course in my signature.