View Full Version : Anxiety is NOT an "it"

08-07-2017, 09:09 AM
Many people view anxiety as an “IT”: a condition that takes control of their health and lives. But anxiety is not an “IT.” Anxiety is simply being fearful. When we are fearful too often, however, the body can become stressed, and a body that’s overly stressed can produce symptoms. Therefore, anxiety symptoms are actually symptoms of stress. We call them anxiety symptoms because anxiety is the main stressor.

So there is no reason to be afraid of anxiety (being afraid) or its symptoms (which are symptoms of stress). Being afraid is a natural response to the perception of danger. Everyone experiences anxiety when they think they are in danger.

But regular anxiety, which most people experience, turns into a “disorder” when we become overly fearful, and the consequences of being overly fearful negatively impact our health and lifestyle. Therefore the goal of anxiety disorder resolution is NOT to fear anxiety or it’s symptoms, or to fight against them, but to learn how to live less fearfully overall. Living less fearfully overall eliminates anxiety disorder and any symptoms it may cause.

And because living more fearfully than others is a learned behavior, we CAN change it simply by learning how. Anxiety disorder recovery needn’t be any more complicated than that.

Source: anxietycentre.com

08-07-2017, 12:17 PM
I disagree my anxiety comes from post traumatic stress disorder I've had a very stressful life from childhood and into fatherhood my son and daughter both of them have disabilitys my daughter has asbergers syndrome and my son has dravet syndrome as well as a host of other health issues that come along with dravet syndrome

Boo Bass
08-09-2017, 07:48 PM

Is there a way to stop being scared of the physical symptoms of anxiety? That would be most of the battle won

08-10-2017, 02:58 AM
I believe the outlook being raised by RoadToRecovery is actually a very healthy one. It makes sense we can only identify root causes once when see past the label Anxiety and all its subcategories. The term Anxiety has been demonized for good reason. It easier to blame it than deal with the cause.

I just finished writing up an introductory letter to a child psychologist re my grandson. I had to give it some thought and I don't mind sharing it's essence as I think it's relevant to this discussion. Especially when so many of us are quick to point the finger at genetics and chemical imbalances to which so many of us prejudge/diagnose ourselves with.

The letter gives a background of systemic mental illness spreading 3 to 4 generations ranging from Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Phobia, Major Depressive Disorder, Agoraphobia, Asperger's and ASD spectral traits, Neurotic Behavioral Disorders, Drug induced Schizophrenia and host of other related sub category mental disorders as well as multiple self-harm episodes across several family members and a SUCCESSFUL Suicide Death in 2014. The little fella being assessed and now processed is the first of all previous generations to receive early intervention. Autism Spectral Disorder in all its forms is dime a dozen these days which is an alarming statistic all the same. I'm now included on that list to the disappointment of those who cling to their labels rejecting milder cases of Asperger's who are caught up in the identifying of likewise labeling of disorders ... Many Its! I have this, I have this, I have this, this is, this is, this is, you have, you have, you have, It and it and it and it ....

My point is I come from a background where I can use said 'cards' - re a historical background of "it’s in my genes!" as well as "It’s because I’m chemically imbalanced!" The evidence of trauma an imbalance are all there. Predispositions already triggered and have taken their toll. RIP BRO

For those that wish to recover (or minimise suffering [as good as recover pending one’s view/position]) I totally get the point that Road to Recovery alluding to in the opening of this thread; regardless of genetics and chemical imbalances. It's nothing more than a point of veiw that's based on seeing Anxiety for what it really is ... Not an IT! Not the source of people’s illness, causes, triggers and so on. "Generally" most clinical processes only deal with symptoms just like medications which keep suffers focused on anything but unresolved deep rooted causes. To be sure in some cases they offer a platform in which to adopt this healthy point of view; that anxiety is not an it!

Approach the genetic card from a something other than just a chemical position and you’re on target to address root cause. Keep blaming past events and those vessels/people that triggered/affected and added to your chemical imbalance ... then you'll for sure remain imbalanced until such a point your able to accept, move on and see anxiety for what it really is - Not an It.

I am totally responsible for the way I allow myself to feel; not my genetics or the chemical properties or something else I can call IT! That is to say the more I blame something else, the less power I have and the more I give to it. The former is really about changing the way we think and when choosing clinical processes that teach us the use of such tools, that is when we can overcome fear based responses and get the most out of whatever aids we choose by then developing the confidence where we can finally accept ourselves for who we are … no longer pointing the finger at it!

-Respect Your Ship -

Boo Bass
08-10-2017, 05:28 AM
I wish what you said was true in my case.

Any recommendations?

Boo Bass
08-10-2017, 06:38 AM
I'm stiL with Claire Weekes on this one. Whatever may have caused your illness x years ago, yo'ur present cNdition nDes to be dealt with

08-10-2017, 02:36 PM
Avoid the 'Just deal with it stratagey!' but rather focus on living.
PS also rather than aligning with a speaker/guru, come up with your own method by owning your own thoughts through your own actions.

Boo Bass
08-10-2017, 08:26 PM
Avoid the 'Just deal with it stratagey!' but rather focus on living.
PS also rather than aligning with a speaker/guru, come up with your own method by owning your own thoughts through your own actions.

I know you mean weL, but on behalf of aL people reaLy struggling right now, that is a tactless and terrible answer

08-10-2017, 09:04 PM
I know you mean weL, but on behalf of aL people reaLy struggling right now, that is a tactless and terrible answer

At least this time you quoted the person to which your referring.

When you speak, your speaking for yourself not others. To think anything else is just deluding yourself.

There is a post in this forum all about the "Just deal with it Strategy." The context in which I brought it up was directly aimed to anyone making claims of others - Other than themselves, which consequently would seem to be the focus of peoples objections within the thread - "Just deal with It Strategy" - Thus the preference is that when people speak, they should consider doing so from personal experience rather than amusing for everyone else. It's less a trap when making whatever claims.

Again this is the trouble with people who just seemingly subscribe to whatever authors without doing any of the work ... always taking from one lot of text and prescribing for someone else.

Yes I mean well. Whilst it should not be expected that people 'should' simply "deal with it" it 'should' also not be expected that every answer always conform to one's illusions of self. Alas you can not know what self is when too busy talking for everyone else. The benefit is in taking the time to self reflect then coming back and give examples ... that apply to self.

Recovery in not about pleasing everyone else and nor is it about kidding yourself. That's as tactful as any of us can expect; but then expectation is always destined to disappointment.

Boo Bass
08-10-2017, 10:37 PM
Its ok

i'll just try other ways of getting some compassionate support even if only prayers but from someone who cares

08-11-2017, 03:16 AM
I'll put in a good word with the reptilians. ;)

08-11-2017, 06:52 AM
No one can help us, we are the drivers in this car. It is pissing me off seeing people to constantly search to be approved. Only you can help yourself Boo Bas, Prayers do not work on anxiety, which by the way is in place to safe us. The life is tough now, to fast to much changing. Technology does not help either. I suffer with anxiety for at least 40 years and I had never look for pity or strategy, While you seek it, your life passes, No day can be recovered,,,,,,,
Focusing on doing something you love will push the anxiety on side
You youngsters whine and do nothing. So many resources on this awesome forum, many people who will help giving you sources.........
I think you country is a problem too, very difficult political situation right now.......... Meditate lady, meditate,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,meditate
I do believe your religion is not good for you, it gives u more grief ..............
I swear I am compassionate human being.......just do not like whiners, the hell I went through made me tough

08-11-2017, 07:37 AM

Is there a way to stop being scared of the physical symptoms of anxiety? That would be most of the battle won

Boo Bass,

Yes, there absolutely is. Before I get into that though, I'd like to ask you a question: why are you scared of your physical symptoms? Please don't take this question the wrong way - I was afraid of my symptoms for a very long time until I learned how to be unafraid of them.

08-11-2017, 10:17 AM
Anxiety is NOT an "it"

Of course it's not. It's a "she". Anything that causes me this much grief has to be a woman.

I jest, of course. :D

Boo Bass
08-13-2017, 03:49 AM
Hi Ponder

If you read this, just to say I bear you no ill will. I forgive you your comments and send you loving kindness. I just wish I could do the same to myself.

I won't be posting here any more. I have no idea what kind of forum it used to be, but it seems now to be just a platform for ideas while (often) neglecting to offer assistance to those in dire straits.



08-13-2017, 04:21 AM
I don't require your forgiveness. Your best keep that for yourself. I'm not here to hand out replies that only make people comfortable. Sadly that is the downside with forums like these. Users rarely accept responses that outline core issues and answers that require taking personal responsibility. I'll post a link on the pros and cons of mental health forums to assist for when and should you return to likewise forums:


Goes without saying I spend too much time here myself.

Blessings BB.

~Ponder https://image.ibb.co/iRayjk/What_Is_A_Reptilian_D_Chace.png

08-13-2017, 07:50 PM
well it goes again, we went through it , did we not , Nothing made me so mad as people who try to make others feel guilty

08-13-2017, 09:08 PM
I can see why you feel the way you do about the state of affairs with this forum, D. Sometimes people feel frustrated when they feel like they aren't getting help, since they don't see changes right now. People can feel like what they do isn't working and they get angry.

As for you P, I enjoy the videos :)

08-14-2017, 08:58 AM
Iwanttobeok we have some history with that lady this is what is my post about it, thanks man :)